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@jonpither politics?
in the run up to Brexit, the tories think it's the perfect time for ousting their leader 🙂
I have a friend who believes Brexit won't actually happen. As events unfold, I'm becoming more convinced that he might end up being right.
too many people still think it is going to be all fine.... Boris for instance. (that is my take on it at least)
In my personal opinion there is never a wrong time to oust Theresa May. And frankly it’s such a mess right now that it’s hard to see how it would make things worse.
i agree completely, but at least Theresa May is both incompetent AND good for a laugh
I’m not sure if I agree, but perhaps I don’t know Boris well enough.
I’m of the opinion that many of May’s policies are actively vile.
Cheeky plug for a new Clojure In post (number 20), any RT's greatly appreciated:
a transducer is simply an abstraction of reducing functions (the functions you pass to reduce
, that take an accumulator and a value, then do something to that value, and add it to the accumulator)
(map vec)
says you want to apply vec
to each new value, and then ((map vec) conj)
says that you want to add it to the accumulator by using (conj acc (vec val))
a key thing is that ((map vec) conj)
has no iteration logic in it at all, it outsources that to reduce
I found that writing out the functions that are passed and returned at each point helped me with grokking transducers. It's not very hard, just kinda mindbending with all the nested fn
@jonpither Another great “Clojure In” there, Jon
Thanks @maleghast
Every RT helps @maleghast, thanks
@dominicm @malcolmsparks - Have you seen this… ->
Oh no, that’s not a good result - certainly was not my intention… You can own more than one computer, you know… 😉
it's absolutely impossible to find out how much £££ Lenovo want for that 25th anniversary edition laptop
oof. I've seen US$1899, given the exchange rate I doubt we'll be getting much change from 2 grand
@iain.tatch - Yeah, I am disappointed that there is no UK pricing info, yet, and that indeed, it is likely to be on the pricey side…
¿¿ retro laptops ??
"are you nostalgic for crappy sub-pixel rendered fonts"
@minimal @mccraigmccraig - it’s not “retro” in terms of its screen / screen resolution or indeed architecture. Lenovo have just managed to get IBM to agree to let them use the iconic blue enter key, colourful ThinkPad logo and to produce a chassis that is very close to the later model IBM Thinkpads…
boo to discernible pixel screens
@minimal - I do see your point, but I think that’s comparable for the Thinkpad version that they are basing the Anniversary model on, which is the T470.
The top-spec à la carte T470 has a lower powered graphics card and half the RAM, but twice the SSD capacity and is £1621.19, so I can see where the pricing is at…
(and people grumble about Apple's pricing!)
@seancorfield - I hear ya… In fairness to Lenovo their kit is bomb proof and lasts and lasts and lasts.
(I also personally feel this way about Apple Kit and I’ve used Apple Kit for 16 years now)
Yup, I'm particularly harsh on laptops. I've never owned a Lenovo but Dell is the only other brand (than Apple) that has lasted me any time.
I've had Apple laptops for maybe 25 years now? When did the PowerBook 160 come out? That was my first. Then I had a 520c (which I loved).
I've had a number of Windows/Linux laptops over the years too, many different brands, and they mostly last me only 18 months before they literally fall apart...
When I joined Macromedia in 2000, they gave me a high-end Toshiba and it started falling apart after about six months and became unusable after just over a year.
Everything except Apple and Dell...
i had a lenovo once - it was definitely solid, and i could run linux on it, but the sleep/wake waiting time used to drive me nuts