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@yogidevbear is a state of mind.
@jasonbell then question my is... Can you define the state of mind?
Morning all
@yogidevbear It’s written in parchment (probably), “Reduce WIP”
@yogidevbear is also my Heckler As a Service (HaaS)
Lol ok
it is a higher level of consciousness that enlightens the mind with hugs. Or something like that.
Thanks for the illumination
Morning...and that's it from me for the rest of the day until after 6pm
@mccraigmccraig if only you hadn't thought about it 😉
just the mere thought of thinking about caused it! that is my theory at least! ( and you can't proof me wrong 😉 )
@maleghast ☕ 🌟 ☕ chinking sound
@mccraigmccraig I sense a butterfly effect coming... speculatively thinking about how much thinking is too much...
I am going to actively think about serendipitous “good things” to balance out all this doom… 😉
@yogidevbear i'm not serious - i don't think there is such a thing as too much thinking - if the thinking isn't working then you aren't doing enough!
there is perhaps such a thing as too much low-entropy thinking, but i would say if the thinking isn't high-entropy then it's not really thinking, it's psychological fidgeting
Why do people link to tweets as "evidence", I'm sorry but the 140 chars you used only states your position, not WHY.
@dominicm any particular tweet you're thinking about here?
(a.k.a. linky linky )
I'm sure I need to read through the discussion to find the nugget of information that I require
That and I am seriously considering playing all day (and not billing anyone for anything, clearly).
Did I show you this yet @maleghast?
Yeah, you did - I need to investigate it more properly than the initial look… I will admit to having not properly prioritising it 😉
spending a day playing and not billing it is one of the perks of being a contractor
Indeed. Sadly it’s not how today is going to go in truth, but I did give it serious consideration there for a while… I mean, you're building this so that you're webscale
@dominicm Have you looked at integrating Clojure with Forge, so that you can use Clojure to mod more recent version(s) of Minecraft..?
Someone else did that I believe. I've not taken much interest in writing mods myself, there was a lot more money in bukkit integrations when I was into that stuff 🙂
I feel like I'm being daft, is there an inverse of condp
? Provide a value, and test against a list of predicates/expressions (of which only 1 will be true) to see which code path to take.
Superior alternative solution:
(case #?(:clj (Long/signum -10)
:cljs (js/Math.sign -10))
1 :left
0 :neutral
-1 :right)
([:left :neutral :right]
(inc #?(:clj (Long/signum -10)
:cljs (js/Math.sign -10))))
Er, @dominicm and @megakorre your two forms give different answers in my REPL…
@dominicm ‘s one returns “:right” while @megakorre ‘s returns :left.