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Hello, I asked about the below on #sql but didn’t really get much, so maybe some of you might know: ran lein ancient on my project and this particular line caught my eye: [org.postgresql/postgresql "42.1.1"] is available but we use "9.4.1209"


The switch from 9.x.y to 42.x.y versioning was made in February by the looks of things:


Have any of you used or switched from 9.x.y to 42.x.y versions? Any issues/gotchas ? Thanks

Rachel Westmacott13:06:05

I think I did and it was fine.

Rachel Westmacott13:06:52

I remember looking for a changelog at the time, because it seemed like rather a large leap

Rachel Westmacott13:06:06

but iirc nothing bad happened

Rachel Westmacott13:06:37

my sql statements aren’t particularly gnarly though