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@dominicm, if you're still looking to do the REPL project, I'd probably suggest trying to support atom/electron too
yogidevbear: how do you mean? Anything I build will be open to use anywhere. Nrepl is open that way :)
Perhaps tangentially, I did consider using the proto repl visualization tools. But I'm unsure.
Bore da
morning @agile_geek ...
what do people graphical user interface do people use for Databases? I use something called Squirrel at the moment...but each time I start it the fans in my laptop start spinning up.... ✈️
I mostly just use a REPL
i like “SequelPro” for MySQL, and “SQLPro for MSSQL” has been ok on the current project
what dyu get from a sql GUI over a repl ?
Morning All... Re DB GUIs, if you are using postgresql and Mac, I can recommend Postico. As per @glenjamin I reckon that Sequel Pro is the best MySQL GUI on a Mac.
I have to admit that I try to not use them as much as possible, but there are times when a quick visual check is invaluable.
still not getting it - visual check of the output of describe table || \dt
@dominicm - Your REPL stuff ^^ is fascinating but daunting - I'm with @peterwestmacott, I really don't understand a LOT of that stuff nearly half well enough.
@maleghast what isn't to understand?
@mccraigmccraig - I hear you, but it's not the friendliest output
now that i can get behind @benedek 🙂
@dominicm - I don't have the first clue as to how various REPLs work, or how they interact with editors etc. Emacs + CIDER is a "magic box" for me. I've never spent the time to really grok it.
From a UI perspective of avg user, I expect workflow like this: - Open browser → type code → see graphs Bonus will be: - Open emacs → jack-in → open browser → evaluate code in emacs → see graphs
the GUI I find most useful for browsing and editing schemas, for doing queries its about the same as a good repl that has tab completion
@glenjamin - Yeah, particularly in development phase I find it quicker / easier to delete data, drop tables and indices etc. in a GUI too.
i tend to do all my schema editing in repl, so i can then copy/paste into a migration file... gui would mess that up
i’ll often play around in the gui, then grab the SQL out of it and add into a migration file
ah, yeah, execution history in the gui would sort that workflow
this particular gui put the SQL it had generated in the confirmation dialog when i deleted things, which was nice
nice demo gif btw @glenjamin
on an unrelated note, does anyone else ever spell out words when using fake hashes in example tests?
I was on the cusp of doing that yesterday
but I just numbered them in the end
also with REPL db access there’s no impedance mismatch when I switch from exploring the db to manipulating data with sexps
why would I ever use excel?
sorry, was semi-trolling - but I try to avoid MS products these days
I do mostly use google sheets for spreadsheety things these days, not that Google is much better than MS anymore
@mccraigmccraig I just want to click in this case and press cmd-r to refresh. and yes a repl could do that as well.