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@korny yeah, and if you saw what happened to his other modules... there's a reason we adopted tentacles


I'm a heavy user of the fs module - has anyone taken that over?


yes, and then immediately deprecated it 😕


i think we'll probably take it over too


if time allows


that module in particular cannot be allowed to rot - so much depends on it


yeah - it has some uglinesses in it (which people probably depend on!) but it's also very handy for basic things.


right. i don't personally like the api for doing complex things, but it's so widely used!


I'm a bit out of wack this morning as I'm travelling down to London this morning whereas I'm used to travelling down on a Monday.


on the subject of abandoned repos - anyone know if there's a replacement for clj-webdriver? I'm a bit worried about these things going fallow, also - not good for the community. Not that I've had the time to help with any of them lately 😞


@korny haha, already forked it a few weeks ago and planning to catch up on it soon


Morning folks. Am looking forward to the JUXT full-stack training next week! 🐥


There's someone in #jobs-discuss that is asking about on-site training. Time zone is UTC so might be worth popping your heads in there if you offer this type of service


@korny we wrote all our UI tests with clj-webdriver. It depends on a now ancient version of Selenium, and most of the browser drivers have stopped working locally.


It’s a real shame it’s not maintained any more. It’s a very useful lib, albeit unglamorous, which I guess is why no one wants to work on it!


We are trying to write more cljs unit tests to make up for it. There’s also this, but not used it in anger yet:


I think writing tests with cljs-react-test and running them in different js environments with doo gives you a lot of what selenium offers


We rely heavily on clj-webdriver too. We only use it with Firefox (39.0) and Selenium 2.47.1. I don’t know what we’ll switch to when that all breaks with an update. But we’re replacing our old web app with a new React.js front end and that’s being tested in a different way (different team so I’m not sure of details). If we were likely to stay with Selenium / WebDriver, I’d probably step up to maintain clj-webdriver… that’s usually how I end up maintaining a library 😐