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Bore da
@glenjamin please don't say that in earshot of any politicians! I wouldn't want to give them ideas.
@glenjamin - isn’t that a plot line from the Hitchhiker’s Guide?
glenjamin: Dunno, with Trump, Brexit and the disintegration of Europe a first class ticket off this rock is something I recon 1/3rd of the worlds population might volunteer for 🚀 👾 🌠
10 points to @peterwestmacott
Wondering what the latest choices for a HTTP server are in the clojure/ring world: - Jetty - http-kit - Undertow - Immutant (Undertow) - Aleph - Jet - Netty - Vert.x - Grizzly Am I missing any?
yeah - I’m basically wanting to review the options because http-kit has been included in one of our services and it’s a terrible choice for our needs because of
also if you’re using http-kit for client side beware of
i don't know the other options in any detail @rickmoynihan , but i've been using aleph with yada for a while - aleph makes large-file download resource consumption easy to manage, and yada adds stream-based multipart handling which makes large-file upload relatively straightforward too
mccraigmccraig: That’s good to know… I’m a little scared of adopting an async server though
any particular reason ?
i've been doing all-async on my current project for a couple of years - there are some things which take a bit of getting used to, but it's no worse than getting used to, say, lazy sequences
Yes, Basically I have a large suite of parsers/generators for reading and writing data that are built on blocking I/O. I know I could in principle wire these up but it’d be extra work and I’m cautious about introducing hard to identify/test problems
we currently use blocking I/O with a piped-input-stream and it works fine
it's generally pretty easy to wrap sync code in async - e.g. have a a stream of ops with a buffer-size delimiting your desired concurrency, and a consumer which processes ops synchronously
@rickmoynihan also, aleph works with sync stuff
so you wouldn't have to go full-async
mccraigmccraig: yeah I know you can just use the threaded versions of the go macros (or the manifold equivalent) and martial responses over to a channel which you return to the server - and it should work… Problem is it would require deeper changes than I’m willing to make just now - and I don’t see any immediate benefit for our usecase.
also statements like this make me nervous: > This feature may not play nicely with Ring middleware which modifies the response, but this can be easily fixed by reimplementing the middleware using Manifold's let-flow operator.
ha, yeah, the response side of the ring flow is async - it only matters if you have some middleware which modifies the response, in which case it may be a problem
I'll definitely take a deeper look at aleph; might be an option for a greenfield project - but I’m not convinced it’s a low risk option for a legacy code base to move to
yeah perhaps not - are you currently managing a threadpool for your processing - presuming that you are returning the PipedInputStream to the webserver and writing to a PipedOutputStream from a pooled thread ?
Anyone got a good clojure library for Kafka?
@agile_geek consumer or producer ?
i'm using franzy directly for producer... and onyx for all consumer, but it seems onyx uses franzy too
agile_geek you might want to grab from us here:
i seem to rember @otfrom mentioning something about a franzy branch MC did
@otfrom so you forked franzy?
more adopted it rather than forked it. Though the github debris aren't really cleaned up yet
I really wish GitHub would allow you to follow organisations (not just individual people)
We are looking at Kafka here and wanted opinions on what to use. We looked at as well
Anyone used it?
@brunex Hi Bruno
Bruno is looking for adivce around using Kafka folks so he may be asking questions
kinsky looks very simple - if i had seen it last time i switched kafka clients i probably would have chosen it
I'm playing with adding buttons to the touch bar on my new mac. I want a clojure logo, but I'm trying to work out what it would actually do when you press it. Any thoughts? It could load emacs, but that's not really awfully exciting.
I guess it could load a single full-screen repl, maybe using a retro terminal like
have it boot you into single-user mode running lumo as your shell @korny , that should be quite exciting