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Morning from the Flying Scotsman this morning
Does anyone have Eventbrite account details for ? Or does anyone object to me resetting the password ?
@glenjamin looking forward to your talk @ codemesh
@glenjamin oooh you're @ codemesh...damn, going to miss that!
we have plenty of opportunity for people to speak at the monthly London Clojurian talk night...
It doest look like there will be a talk this month
@jonpither we need a speaker pipeline 🙂
I’ve been caught up in consecutive ClojureBridge events & HackTheTower, so havent had time for the talks. I’ll have more time in the new year (hopefully)
(if (> pipeline just-in-time) “regular talks” “oh, not this month, sorry”)
I'm asking around @ but nobody is enthusiastically volunteering atm!
> Using spec to NNN
^^ all the clojure talk titles from now until Hickey releases the next thing
@martintrojer > Using spec to prop the door open?