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Spacemacs for the win... Then you can have both Emacs and vim...


hehe, I’ve been a vim user for years; it comes with years of ruby development.


Yeah, I picked up on Spacemacs but don’t fully understand it’s place. Would I be better learning straight emacs first, and then using spacemacs so I can switch usage based on context?


Well, that was a great day in Emacs. Had a little play with elisp but spent most of the day learning org mode and Calc. Magit and obviously Cider are next.


@paulspencerwilliams magit and cider are awesome. With spacemacs you can have org-mode, calc, magit and cider but still use your vim modal editing and key bindings.


@agile_geek I’ve actually quite enjoyed learning a new way of navigating around. I might even..... switch!!!


I tried spacemacs and tried to learn vim bindings but I just had too much investment in my emacs bindings and I didn't get anything extra. In fact I ditched spacemacs simply because the keybindings are not std. I would go back to spacemacs if I was pairing a lot with Vim users that have learned Spacemacs tho as the Spacemacs set up is awesome out of the box.