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Morning all.
Any arch users here at all?
@paulspencerwilliams: I used to use it. So ... kinda?
@xlevus: sorted now. I was trying to install Leiningen through AUR and it failed with a pgp signing issue. The comments suggested three options but no pros / cons for these. I hadn't the appetite to dig deep into understanding these so StackOverflowed it. It now works but here's the question anyhow.
@xlevus: yeah, I've tried to move away from those kind of installs purely as package manages SHOULD provide seamless updates etc.
@otfrom: do i remember correctly that you guys run DC/OS rather than just plain mesos ?
London house prices down 5% (so far)
@martintrojer: that's a bad thing ?
@mccraigmccraig: yes to dcos. Moving from the community to open source version soon
to me, since we are planning to sell and move back to the continent
yep - it's definitely bad for some, but it's not an intrinsically bad thing - afaics house prices in the uk need to fall by about 50% on average, and the blame for that lies squarely with 10-20 years of foolish policy rather than brexit
@otfrom: are you installing with a template, or custom ?
i'm contemplating moving from my shonky pallet-based raw mesos install to dcos... not got my head around it yet though
pallet, lol
with house prices going down and the £££ going down we’ll have next to nothing when we arrive on the continent @martintrojer 😞
@martintrojer: definite lol @ pallet
@martintrojer: what’s a good source of house prices? We’re looking to move closer to London, so a fall could be good, though we have to sell as well as buy...
@thomas: don't worry, the euro will probably tailspin when italy's banks go tits-up, so you may even come out on top
There should be a good german word, like “Schadenfreude” that talks about the emotion of benefiting personally from something that screws with all your friends and yourself in the long run. So far brexit has been good for me, though it doesn’t make me even slightly happy.
The RICS report
Hmm, seems London is definitely dropping, the rest are rising but slower than before. I’m assuming as we are looking in the London-commuter areas that we’d have a similar affect. I wish we could wait 6 months - this might be a minor decline, or it could be the start of a real bubble burst...
my prediction is that london employment and housing markets will implode when the banks etc move out
the is no chance in hell UK can keep the passporting rights.
this will be clear in beginning of next year
Yeah - I’m expecting longer term gloom. But still probably want to move this year - we have a baby on the way, so not looking to change jobs our countries 🙂 And it’s going to be much easier to move pre-baby than post babyexit… We could just stay here, but the 60+ minute commute is bad enough now, don’t want to be doing it with a new bub.
the commute problem will solve itself when all the jobs are gone.
🙂 Not if it means they cancel more train services! I have friends who try to use Southern Rail to get to work...
but you are probably buying close to a tip of a pretty massive slump
you need to stay there 10 years
too late to walk out?
I'm really concerned the valuation will drop, and I won't be able to afford the mortgage.
@martintrojer: It will cost me double to continue renting where I am.
if you can, you really should keep renting
We bought in January :(
its nuts buying now (if you can avoid)
@martintrojer: I'm reducing a 2 hour commute to 30 minutes. and the mortgage will be 50% of my rent.
@korny: I'm stuck with southern railway's cruddy service. It's insane
yeah, weight that against being 100-200k in negative equity in a year or two.
So glad I only go into the office once a week
sure, plan to stay for ~10 years
depends where you move to afterwards, purchasing power will still be fairly good across the UK if you own in London
we can all rent a nice flat in Canary Wharf when all the banks leave the high rises.
@martintrojer: probably 5 to 10 years - need a house to raise a family. If it were otherwise, I’d be agreeing with you. And leaving my spare money in nice safe AUD
I mean, the exodus of the City is unavoidable, France will veto any deal in which UK keeps passporting rights. Its in their interest to break up the City.
the ripple effects will be huge, including on the London tech scene.
Yep - it’s scary. Evil leech-like consultants like myself often do better than the average in a slump, because companies get forced to change whereas previously they could just sit on their fat profits. But there are no guarantees of that if the slump is big enough. 😕
@mccraigmccraig: see terraboot at the mc github
ok, an actual clojure question 🙂 Is there a simple way to get stats out of a core.memoize memoized function? Like say cache hits/misses?
Actual clojure question #2 (two in one day. amaze)
I've decided to build a frontend to a simple CMS-api (written in python) in clojurescript...
What's the best way to approach this? My only experience with clojure has been front/backend stuff all in one with lein new
@xlevus: i used a while back, and it did great - got me started, didn't get in the way as the app grew
that could def be a good choice for a python api
My thoughts go out to anyone in France at the moment