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I know that Ben Evans isn't here to tell us more, but just wondering what people think about this bit of licensing fun:
@otfrom: my read on that is you are as fine (as you ever were) if you build your docker image from stock ubuntu and install java as part of your docker build
and as for the "not real versions" thing, ¯\(ツ)/¯ , well there ain't nothin that's a real version of nothin' else dangitall
mccraigmccraig: yeah, there big complaint seems to be about people using public images from places like dockerhub as bases for other things
@otfrom: if people aren't using a stock o/s and doing an apt-get update
or equivalent at the start of their Dockerfiles then they are nuts !
most of the anti docker fud has been "OMFGWTFBBQ! People have misconfigured linux in some way b/c they think docker is magic"
i myself yearn for the bygone days of hand-rolled server configurations
i get the feeling some people are trying to use docker as a way to not deal with outdated ops teams
We're in the process of de-dockering our clojure apps... it makes sense for things like ruby - where you have dependencies all over the shop, including native deps... but an uberjar is self contained anyway - so having an extra layer of tooling just gets in the way. Docker is cool, but its pretty complicated - what with fs volume dockers, linking rules, another level of port mappings to misconfigure, and then the docker configs getting in the way of being able to connect java tooling etc - its a pain having an extra level of nesting that you need to drill through - it really doesn't seem worth it - when the JVM brings many of the benefits already.
and docker hub can be pretty slow to sync up and down to
@glenjamin: agreed - but even if you have multiple VMs its not impossible to arrange.
i mostly like docker 'cos it plays so well with mesos+marathon