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Maybe this is not 100% the right place to ask, but probably you folks know anyways 🙂 I'm going back to Sweden for a couple of weeks, how is the meetup situation there now? Are there in person events or everything done online?


Welcome home for a couple of weeks! Where are you at?


I don’t know of any in-person events being conducted yet.


Same. Got.λ (formerly got.clojure) is online only atm.


home is Barcelona, Spain, but will be traveling around in Sweden for some time, mostly around Jönköping as my family is from there


alright, will have to be for next time then probably : )

Marcus Pemer13:06:07

I'm interested in hearing more about got.λ. One of our offices is in gothenburg (above bryggeriet, avenyn), and we have some avid clojurians there. Would be interesting to connect with the local community.


Care to say what company? Curious about Clojure use in the area 🙂

Marcus Pemer21:06:44

Iteego. sheepy🙂

👍 2

HoneyBI & Zimpler are also using Clojure. Maybe there are more that I don’t know about


@marcus165 I'm one of the organizers. Always happy to have people present (and sponsor meetups when we're back to in person meetings). You can DM me if you have any specific questions and/or ideas.

👍 4
Marcus Pemer21:06:14

Sounds great - thank you - I will drop you a DM early next week.


And I would be one of the avid clojurians. I'll drop a dm as well