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I'm working on this new transformer thing that lets you build functions using data and I added a behavior that can spec check data while it's being constructed. What do y'all think about this transformer/spec api? It basically accumulates more and more spec constraints as transformers are derived from each other. Here you can see a transformer map that won't let a particular key be dissoc'ed from itself because of its spec: Any recommendations on how best to compose together specs from different map specs in an ad hoc manner? I'd like to keep it as an "open" system by default.


I guess I'll want to make the spec checking an option that can be turned off in prod or whathaveyou


Please ignore the ugliness of the error messages - those are temporary and were just for testing right now


Is there prior art here? Where you can instrument the data itself? Or is this a new thing? And, if it's new, is it bad or good?


Well I guess there's only one way to find out 🙂