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is there a reason that there's no concrete Spec type/class? I have a desire to extend a library I'm writing to dispatch on whether a value is a reified spec value, and I can't easily do that without taking a dependency directly on clojure.spec.alpha


i.e. the only way I can tell whether I've been passed a spec is by using s/spec?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:08:34

You could dynamically load and resolve that function


that doesn't work in CLJS


in various places in clojure.spec.alpha an object is created via (reify Spec ,,,) and returned, which is what I want to extend the behavior of


I don't care about the name, just wishing there was a concrete type I could extend

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:08:44

sets are also specs, and functions. there is not "one type" to check for

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:08:58

the behavior is defined via the protocol. things like with-gen are a good example of extending by wrapping. but maybe there is some better way to do what you need, not sure