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Drew Verlee18:06:53

I don't understand what spec is trying to tell me here. Isn't {:keys ... valid clojure?

-- Spec failed --------------------

  (... ... [{:keys [http-client max-retries backoff retry?], :as client} ...] ...)

should satisfy


-- Relevant specs -------

.... (more spec info...)

Victor Maia Aldecôa18:06:13

I don't understand either, but you can try to use this lib to get better spec messages:

Drew Verlee18:06:36

that is expound formatted 🙂

picard-facepalm 1
😅 1
Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:06:04

Do you have the message without expound?


Throwing in a guess: maybe you forgot to put optional arguments in a vector? (defn blabla [a b & {:keys [c d]}] ,,,)

Drew Verlee20:06:08

i could go back and re-create the errors it if it helps. The minimal change that made the errors go away was to

(defn foo [{:keys [x] :or {::x "x"}] x) 
(defn foo [{:keys [x] :or {x "x"}] x) 
note the :or {::x to to just x. that is, the value of the hashmap of the :or arg has to be a symbol not a key. This same error seemed to generate several different expound messages (at least thats how it seems to me).

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:06:50

the keys of :or are always the symbols being bound, which must be unqualified, so neither :x or ::x are valid in that spot

👍 2