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I find I often have this scenario:

{:type :foo
 :bar 1
 :baz 2}
Where I want my spec to say that the keys are :type, :bar and :baz, but also that the value of :type must be :foo. What's the most straightforward way to write that spec? Bonus point where the generator for it properly constructs a map where :type is always :foo.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)04:04:51

have you looked at multi-spec?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)04:04:24

seems like it would be a great match here


Multi-spec is actually where I have this problem, because the generator doesn't generate the correct :type


Like if we take the spec guide example: Assume that instead of: (s/def :event/type keyword?) we have (s/def :event/type #{:event/search :event/error}) If you try to generate an :event/event, they won't be valid to any of the type of events most of the time, because the generator doesn't know which of the :event/type to pick for the different multi-specs


I'd like to write a spec for a data structure and use said spec for generation as well. For example, say I have something like this:

{:tag :foo
 :content [{:tag :bar
            :content ["..."]}]}
I'm not sure what the best way to do that would be, though. That is, how do I write (spec/def ::foo ,,,) that specifies that :tag needs to be :foo and :content must conform to the ::bar spec, etc. Is some combination of spec/keys and spec/and the way to go?


It's been a while since I've used spec so this might be horribly wrong, but it might also solve both your problems 😃 🧵


Thank you! I'll give that a go. I tried flailing about with multi-spec a bit, but I didn't think of the merge into a base element spec, that's clever. :thumbsup:


I tested this for at least two seconds, so caveat emptor 🙂


Sure thing, no worries. 🙂


Actually, it's probably easier to write a spec for the Hiccup syntax using tuples and/or regexp ops.


(spec/def ::messageId
  (spec/tuple #{:messageId} string?))

(spec/def ::from
  (spec/tuple #{:from} string?))

(spec/def ::soap/Header
  (spec/tuple #{::soap/Header}
    ;; etc

(spec/def ::soap/Envelope
  (spec/tuple #{::soap/Envelope}

    (spec/gen ::soap/Envelope)

<a:Envelope xmlns:a="">

👍 1
🧼 1

@U0K064KQV the example I gave above might offer one way to use generators with multi-specs. but as I said, I'm no expert in this stuff so there may be better ways to do it