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For a new project, use spec or spec2? If I go with spec, will it be obsoleted sometime?


I recently got into malli - can highly recommend if you're looking to invest in something - it's also quite simple to generate clojure.spec.alpha or clojure.alpha.spec forms from malli schemas if you ever do want to switch


I've been using malli since before it had a version and it's made my life so easy


It seems unlikely that spec2 will obsolete spec1 in 2021.


spec2 will not cause spec1 to change its behavior.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:05:38

spec 2 is not ready for use yet, so spec

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:05:59

when spec 2 is ready, it will include help for migrating to it


@alexmiller Since this seems to be a “Frequently Asked Question” about Spec 2, maybe you could put a big bold notice on the repo that says “EXPERIMENTAL: DO NOT USE YET!” or something? 🙂

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:05:28

It says "This library is a work in progress provided to gather feedback during development." and there are no releases of it so....


yeah but "v2 not ready yet" doesn't alleviate people's concerns about whether they should invest in spec 1

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:05:22

spec 1 is a thing, feel free to use it

Alex Miller (Clojure team)18:05:15

the spec language between the two is substantially the same. part of releasing spec 2 will be providing a migration path from spec 1