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I'm trying to write a macro that among other things needs to generate new specs by wrapping or merging existing ones, and it doesn't work. I made the simple following example
(defmacro wrapspec
[base-name base-spec]
(let [n-name `(keyword (str ":wrapped-" '~base-name))
new-spec (s/coll-of base-spec)]
`(s/def ~n-name ~new-spec)))
I'm not sure why doesn't this work? I tried with a symbol instead of a keyword too, to no availdid you look at the expansion?
just as a general technique it's important to (pprint (macroexpand-1 '(wrapspec 'abc int?)))
or whatever to see if it's doing what you want
here s/coll-of is going to be a spec object, which is not what you want
new-spec `(s/coll-of ~base-spec)
probably closer but I'm just eyeballing this
Anyone aware of issues with clojure.spec.alpha/gen
in cljs (using shadow-cljs)? This snippet works well in clj repl:
(s/def ::foo string?)
(s/gen ::foo)
but fails in cljs with: Var clojure.test.check.generators/simple-type-printable does not exist, clojure.test.check.generators never required at eval (/js/compiled/cljs-runtime/cljs.spec.gen.alpha.js:1854:8)