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Hello, when I run
(require '[clojure.spec.test.alpha :as st])
(alias 'stc 'clojure.spec.test.check)
(st/check `my-awesome-fn
{::stc/opts {:num-tests 50, :max-size 3}})
I expect the random generated data, whenever there is a collection, to have max three elements (including collections nested in collections, speaking of lists/vectors/maps) but that is not the case. What do I wrong? Thank you!!!What are the specs?
The problematic argument to the function is ::account-invoices
, the core of its specs is:
(s/def ::invoice-row-one (s/keys :req [::serviceType ::totalAmount ::period]))
(s/def ::invoiceRow (s/coll-of ::invoice-row-one :min-count 1 :kind sequential?))
(s/def ::invoice-group-single (s/keys :req [::name ::invoiceRow]))
(s/def ::invoiceGroup (s/coll-of ::invoice-group-single :min-count 1 :kind sequential?))
(s/def ::invoice-subscription-one (s/keys :req [::invoiceGroup ::invoiceSubscriptionUser]))
(s/def ::invoiceSubscription (s/coll-of ::invoice-subscription-one :min-count 1 :kind sequential?))
(s/def ::invoice (s/keys :req [::invoiceNumber ::billingDate ::invoiceSubscription ::period]))
(s/def ::acc+invoice (s/keys :req-un [::account ::invoice]))
(s/def ::account-invoices (s/nilable (s/every-kv string? ::acc+invoice))
off the top of my head, not sure. those :min-count's may be causing something with size to be set in the constructed generator, not sure
Yes, that seems likely based on the docs. The question is why the generated data is larger than that....
not something I have time to look at atm, feel free to file a ticket if needed
is it possible to make a spec for map that has two keys, and if the value of one key matches, then the value of the other has to match something else? but if the value of the one key doesnât match, then the spec is valid, regardless of the second value
can you write a function that says yes or no to that?
if so, that predicate is now a spec
specs are limited only to functions ... which can do anything
ime, you're probably doing too much
don't strangle the code, just check it