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beware of this:
(def some-keys [:a/key :a/nother-key])
(s/def :a/spec (s/keys :req (var-get some-keys)))
(s/valid? :a/spec {:a/key 1 :a/nother-key 2}
=> true
(var-get some-keys)
this does not work inside s/keys
the way one would expect.
(first of all, it should be (var-get #'some-keys)
(s/exercise (s/keys :req (var-get some-keys)))
=> ([{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}] [{} {}])
next: I did try to follow the similar strategy for nested maps:
(s/def :company.department/employees (s/coll-of :company.department/employee))
and it becomes hairy very-very soon with very little nested structures.
and unless you will use -un
(which defeats whole purpose of namespaces in just few calls down the call stack) - your get-in
s and update-in
s become unreadable and unbearableinstead, I went with shorter namespaces, reflecting domain objects/classes, w/o including nestedness info into spec namespaces.
example above does not look too terrible, but it is really a hello-world grade one, and is already whole line long.
we have complex nested structures and don't really encounter a problem, but maybe we have more complex but less nesting - going down our tree, we quickly hit refs to other top-level entities, so maybe that keeps it ok. I always prefer having predictability over terseness, i don't really see much value in the latter.
in that example above for instance, it's likely i wouldn't chooes to model an employee as something in the company hierarchy. i'd be more likely to have a :conan/company
s, and each of those containing lots of :conan/employee
s (rather than continuing the nesting).
or at the very least, if employees were in the company hierarchy, i'd look to break out of it and give each employee a :conan/person
, i.e. a thing that exists independently of the company hierarchy but that can be attached.
The pattern where :my/a
has a collection of :my.a/bs
, each of which is a :my.a/b
, which has a collection of :my.a.b/cs
, each of which is a :my.a.b/c
and so on works very well for us
but from a modelling perspective it's often useful to consider breaking that pattern when possible, so that a :my.a.b/c
ends up with a collection of :my/zs
@conan I am not choosing terseness for the sake of terseness, I am suggesting to think twice before embedding "how one domain object is nested in another one maybe-only-in-just-one-out-of-many-existing-contexts" into spec namespaces
for example, if there is a code which manipulates some leaf of a deep nested structure outside of the nested structure context, does it really need to know that it is
and not just :quux/fred
absolutely, gotta pick what works for you. everything we do is stored in datomic, so this is always our graphy structure
ofc, the easy escape would be :*-un
ing all the keys. but that is just robbing yourself of power namespaces gave you
in your example though, your function may well not need to know that - but as a developer, I do, and I don't like surprises
i'm definitely not saying this is the "right" way to do it, not even the only way - it's just intended as a useful starting point if you're unsure. I'll update the post to make that more clear
I agree with what you are saying about knowledge, but only in very limited set of usecases
and I'd say, those use cases are solved by namespaces for functions
vs e.g. quux/fred-manipulator
(dont read too much into it)
the same way as you can have your own update
fn, more specific than clojure.core/update
one, in another ns
with similar semantics, but with more knowledge about thing it sh/would be applied to so you-as-developer-would-know
yep, i can see that; we benefit a lot from transacting data generated from these specs into datomic, and it may colour my thinking more than i realise
oh, I tried keeping datomic db for such nested nss - was tough. and again - you are robbing yourself of a graph, replacing it with rigid tree
it's really quite astonishing that i can often write specs for a domain, write schema from those specs, and the generators will produce data that transacts first time into datomic; i don't think i've ever once come close to that level with other databases
essentially, anything that has isComponent
ends up being another level of namespace hierarchy (i.e. :a.b.c/d
), and anything that is not usually resets back to the top of the hierarchy (i.e. :e/f
it is very close to that, yes, I agree.
although company.department/employee, we crucified above - does not fit that
yeah i'm terrible at examples, i'll think up a more evocative, less boring one over the weekend
I have a function I'm trying to spec that takes 2 args, a map and a string that needs to be a key in that map. How do I reference the first arg in the spec for the second?
@snowell you could use s/and
with s/cat
to check the args:
(defn foo [x y] (get x y))
(s/fdef foo
:args (s/and (s/cat :x map? :y string?)
(fn [{:keys [x y]}] (contains? x y))))
Yeah, I'd gotten there actually, but I was trying to get something that worked with generators, and apparently that's a lot more fickle
hmm yeah because the OotB generators are created using just the first spec in the s/and
@snowell this might work:
(s/def ::foo-args
(s/with-gen (s/cat :x map? :y string?)
#(gen/fmap (fn [m] [m (rand-nth (keys m))])
(s/gen (s/map-of string? any?)))))
maybe spec/merge
is what you need @raymcdermott. (s/merge ::q (s/keys :req [::min-n]))