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(type (resolve 'string?))
;;=> clojure.lang.Var
user> (type string?)
;;=> clojure.core$string_QMARK___5132
resolve isn’t a spec function it’s in core. Suppose I started with "string?"
, how can I get to the clojure.core$string_QMARK_...
? (resolve (symbol "string?))
won’t do it as we’ve seen.
if u want to see what it does, you can generally just try s/exercise
and see what it produces
gives the same error for the (resolve (symbol "string?"))
version of the spec.
or deref, or the shorthand @
Any idea when we will get this fix in? We are still running a patched version.
In queue to get screened
Last week at clojure/nyc I shared my experience, as a spec n00b, using spec to specify other people’s data structures … here’s the video if anyone’s interested:
And for those in the Boston area I’ll be sharing this again at the Boston Clojure Group on 9 August:
Hello all, how
(defn ^:private menor? [n t]
(<= (count n) t))
(s/def ::limite-tamanho menor?)
(s/valid? ::limite-tamanho <what is in here?>)
I don't understand how your spec predicate could be a function of two args
perhaps (partial menor? some-n)
right, but how can you use that directly as a spec predicate? where would the other arg come from?
@noisesmith I´ll check many specs from vector, like fields in form -> [[:code "Error code" ::limite-tamanho 6] [:name "Error name" ::limite-tamanho 15]]
maybe I'm missing some spec feature that would make this work, but I still don't understand how you'd make spec supply two args to your spec
and as far as I know you can't use a neighbor or parent data in the check for a key
which is equivalent to what I proposed with partial above, right?