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Vincent Cantin04:06:51

Hi. I plan to try to use spec for auto-completion. Has it been done before?

Vincent Cantin04:06:08

Are the specs easy to parse /navigate programmatically?


@U8MJBRSR5 lot of parsers in 3rd party libs, using s/form. As a sample, one parser and a spec visitor in spec-tools (

😃 4

Also a issue to have a spec walker in the core:

Vincent Cantin05:06:38

… I think that s/explain-data does a lot already.

Vincent Cantin10:06:00

Is there some kind of s/seq-of operator, or a way to build it? The idea is to act as a bridge to spec the chars in a string from the string itself: (s/conform (s/seq-of char?) "abc")


I don’t have a running repl atm, but I think you can use (coll-of char? :kind string?)

Vincent Cantin10:06:54

It works, thanks. Need to add :into [] to keep the chars order at conform time.

👍 4
Vincent Cantin11:06:49

I still have trouble afterward … I would like to run some regex spec (e.g. s/cat) on the content of a string but without having to apply s/conform on the seq of that string. I don’t know if it is possible.


FWIW, the general advice I’ve seen is that spec is not a great fit for parsing strings. Certainly people have done it by turning the string into a sequence with seq, but often people run into further issues. More detail in comments here:

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YMMV of course

Vincent Cantin02:06:49

TL;DR : …with a nice example under the documentation.


A good discussion of pitfalls with conformers and how to work around them:

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“we recommend that you not use conformers for coercion. Conformers were added primarily as a tool for building custom composite spec types”


I know people have had success with using spec for parsing strings, just wanted to make you aware of possible issues down the road 🙂


if you run into them, it may be worth looking at something like

Vincent Cantin03:06:03

Ah, Christophe again :-)

😄 4