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Andreas Liljeqvist11:03:13

If I found a lot of problems with indentation in spec source, what is the best chance of doing a successful pull-request?

Andreas Liljeqvist14:03:27

Thanks, actually I am registered as a contributor. More like if the changes would be accepted in any form. Perhaps they don't consider it as a problem


I doubt it, it’s really hard to make a good argument about indentation


Got an example though?

Andreas Liljeqvist16:03:15

Line 8 and 9 seems strange


on the second one I don't see a problem at all


to be frank, indentation doesn't matter much in Clojure, so I doubt these sort of patches would ever make it through.


The style guides that do exist for Clojure are more opinions than actual rules, so it's fairly common to see changes in indent styles across projects.

Andreas Liljeqvist13:03:04

Disclaimer, I know I cannot possible "win" this

Andreas Liljeqvist13:03:30

The problem is that a lot of tools force indentation, parinfer for example. So diffs becomes problematic

Andreas Liljeqvist13:03:45

This is kind of a problem with the tools, but I figure that Clojure would be better of with a standard like pep8

Andreas Liljeqvist13:03:38

Mostly because indentation really doesn't matter that much. But a standard that enables linters and automatic formatters is valuable according to me

Andreas Liljeqvist14:03:40 and usage of parinfer could eventually become a defacto standard


I highly recommend you to watch this video


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