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I’m unclear on how conformers are intended to be used.


I’ve seen cases like: - converting a string into a seq so spec regex operators can validate a string - converting a string into an int - converting a string into a UUID


But from my understanding of, conformers aren’t intended to be used for transformation


Are the above cases unintended uses of conformers? What would be an intended use case? I ask because I’m trying to figure out how to include support for conformers in Expound

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:10:04

the intended use case was for writing new composite spec types (like s/keys*)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:10:23

so basically not what most people try to use them for


FWIW, I also use them for things like converting strings to keywords in JSON.


I think that while this might not have been the intended usage, it shows that there is a need here. I am having hopes that Rich will take this on as something to think about in the future.


For what it’s worth, using conformers in this way also makes it harder to give good error messages. I’m not sure what the best solution is, but perhaps two phases where first the data is validated, then transformed


to give you information about what you are validating for reuse "later", this makes more sense in the context of validating/destructuring data passed to a macro such as defn


Do you happen to have an example? My main source of examples of macros specs is, but I don’t see any conformers there


my bad I read conforming and I got carried away


I am guilty of using it for transformation, not sure my example is clean but here you go: we have a dsl a bit like sql for a rule engine, we validate the syntax with spec and use a conformer to spill the ast (parsed form)


@mpenet Hm, that is interesting. Is the DSL originally a string then? Do you use spec to parse the string?


also guilty of using it do to json transforms, "old" stuff


the spec is basically a conformer that wraps the parse fn


in reality it s a lot hairier because we have custom explain and whatnot but that s the idea


I see, thanks for the example. One reason it’s hard to add support for conformers is that a) I’m unclear on the intended use and b) in practice, it seems like they are often uses for transformation. I’m not sure if it’s practical to not support a common use case.


it s made for transformations, I guess their validity depends on the context


This is the part I don’t fully understand: conformers do transform values, but what are examples of recommended transformations? @alexmiller said: “I don’t think we are interested in turning spec into a transformation engine via conformers”, but I’m not sure what that includes/excludes


it's a good question indeed


neither the guide or rationale pages mention it


@mpenet In any case, I appreciate you explaining how you use them in practice. This is very helpful for my research, since I may end up wanting to support different use cases


you're welcome. love expound. thanks for that

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:10:17

the guide page intentionally does not mention conformers as we consider them to be primarily useful for writing new custom composite spec types (not for general data transformation)


By “composite spec types” do you mean new spec types that work similar to or or regex specs? i.e. where I would want to name the parts?


Whoops, sorry I missed your comment addressing exactly this question in the thread above. Thanks!


@alexmiller would you be so kind to put an example of the “expected use” in ? 🙂 Currently only the “unintented use” is documented so I guess that this leads people in the wrong direction (and might continue to)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:10:04

I think having a tool for transforming data informed by specs would be awesome. I don’t think conformers are that tool.


@alexmiller any ideas how could we find such a tool? It looks like we could do that with conformers, with just small changes to how it works. Or is there something new coming from Rich?


I'm trying to use spec to document a map that contains a :key-fn that returns a collection i.e. on this data {:aliases #{:bob :robert}}, {:key-fn :aliases} would be suitable. However this happens

(s/def ::key-fn
  (s/fspec :args (s/cat :item any?)
           :ret (s/coll-of any?)))

(s/def ::my-map (s/keys :req [::key-fn]))

(s/valid? ::my-map {::key-fn :aliases}) ;;false
(s/valid? ::key-fn :aliases) ;; false
Am I doing this all wrong?


I think the problem is that a keyword (`:aliases`) won’t conform to your fspec


You could add an s/or case for keywords in your ::key-fn spec


hmm I did try (s/valid? ::my-map {::key-fn (fn [x] [:a :b])}) ;;false and got the same thing though


(s/or :kw keyword? :fn (s/fspec ...))


the thing is it's the fact that the function returns a collection that is the important thing I'm trying to capture


I wouldn't mind if I have to help it along with a generator or something


but I don't know where or how or if I'm approaching the whole thing in a stupid way


the inlined function with constants worked


I would like to specify that if you're gonna give a keyword it's got to look up data that is a collection


hmm maybe need another approach if you need that guarantee… a keyword could return anything that happens to be in the map


as far as I can make out specifying the return types of functions <as> parameters is a bit of an edge case


but would love to be able to provide it to help readers understand the contract


so I guess you’d need more context if you were going to validate that the supplied keyword would return a collection; you’d need to know 1) what the keyword is and 2) the value for that keyword in the other map it’d be applied to?


yeah you're right


I suppose I could just put it in the doc string


one weird idea: if you had all this info (including the “subject” map) in one data structure, you could write a spec for the whole structure to ensure any ::key-fn refers to a collection value in the “subject” map


ooh interesting


Anyway, the return value spec for your function isn’t going to matter for valid?. It’d be useful if you were using test.check to check the function though


Is there a way to write a spec that checks properties of pairs of elements in a sequence? E.g. in [{:a 1 :b 2} {:a 2 :b 3} {:a 3 :b 4}] I’d like to check that :b is equal to :a for each pair of items from the sequence.


I can do this as a function on the sequence.


But then on failure explain returns the entire sequence as the value causing the problem.


erm, let me fix that


you can do it but not as a function on the sequence, but each element of it


unless I understand you wrong


Do you mean there is some relationship between adjacent maps? or within individual maps?


I mean that for {:a 1 :b 2} and {:a 2 :b 3} :b of the first and :a of the second must match, and then for {:a 2 :b 3} and {:a 3 :b 4}, we have the same check and so on


you have a tradeoff here


You can individually check pairs by running (map #(s/valid? ....) (partition 2 1 collection))


iff you want more targeted error messages


otherwise you can continue to check the whole collection and get errors at the collection level


depends on what you want


ok, thanks, that’s what I thought but wanted to make sure there wasn’t some other way 🙂


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