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In Rich's speculation keynote he mentioned that there are ways to check if backwards compatibility is broken in both set theory and regex theory. The set one would presumably be something like:

(defn breaking-change? [old-required-keys new-required-keys]
  (not (set/subset? new-required-keys old-required-keys)))
Are there any links to info about the regex part? Or am I misunderstanding something?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)02:06:41

madstap: the regex part is based on Matt Might’s papers with regex derivatives and I believe Rich has spent enough time with it to believe that the math there makes this computable. I’m having a strong sense of deja vu - have you asked this before?


I'm pretty sure I haven't. Thanks for the pointers 🙂

Alex Miller (Clojure team)03:06:54

Must have been someone else, or my addled brain


Hey is there function to coerce all keys in a map to namespace-qualified keys, other than the #::{} syntax? I’m receiving an unqualified map from an API call, and would like to spec the result.


@sooheon if you just need to spec un-namespaced keys you can just do (s/keys :req-un [::my-key1 ::my-key2]) to require those keys un-namespaced, ie {:my-key1 "x" :my-key2 "y"}


Thanks, I did see that in the docstring, and it did work


But now when I pass around this map and assoc my own keys to it, it will have a mix of qualified and un- keywords…


s/keys can take vectors for both :req-un and :req if you have both namespace qualified and unqualified keys


Yeah, it’s just a bit of overhead for me


would have preferred to just go all namespaced, you know?


Thanks anyways :)


@sooheon You could just use reduce-kv and produce a new map from the old one with namespace-qualified versions of the keys (assuming you want the same qualifier on all of them).


Something like (reduce-kv (fn [m k v] (assoc m (keyword "qualifier" (name k)) v)) {} api-result)


ah cool! hadn’t thought of that. Was just hoping something like (into #::{}) would magically work


is this something that is recommended, btw? to use qualified keywords for everything?


I think it’s a reasonable approach for handling domain data within your system, yes.


Bear in mind tho’ that you probably want to keep those API result keys separate from your actual domain keys in order to avoid conflicts.


So you might have :external.api/name and :my.domain/name with different specs.


This is one of the reasons that the latest java.jdbc lets you specify :qualifier in the options on almost every call so you can get namespace-qualified keys in your SQL result hash maps.


I see. I think it’ll just take some experience (just like knowing how to split up and organize ns’es in the first place)


Bear in mind that the namespace-qualifiers on keywords do not need to correspond to actual code namespaces so you have a lot of flexibility.


For example, we use a qualifier of wsbilling for all entities that relate to our (World Singles) billing system but we don’t have a namespace called wsbilling.


When we accept JSON/Clojure data from outside (APIs, databases), we can normalize it to whatever qualifier we want to distinguish it, within our system, from our billing data.


(if this was a public Clojure API we’d use a reverse-domain-name prefix, like com.worldsingles.billing, I expect)


You can choose how to keep unique groups of entity names separate from each other.


@sooheon @seancorfield I made a function a while back to namespace-qualify a map. here's what i have, if it's useful to anyone

(defn map->nsmap
  "Creates a namespaced-map from a standard one and a namespace (obj or string)"
  [m n]
  (reduce-kv (fn [acc k v]
               (let [new-kw (if (and (keyword? k)
                                     (not (qualified-keyword? k)))
                              (keyword (str n) (name k))
                              k) ]
                 (assoc acc new-kw v)))
             {} m))


Ah great, that’s very useful


@seancorfield I’ve still got to experience first hand how ns qualifying keys works with stuff like destructuring, and making sense of how I want to organize things, but thanks for the pointers


That’s good for preserving existing name-qualification. Sometimes you need to override that. And of course my simplistic example only works for keys that you can call name on (and assumes you want all-keyword keys back out)!


@sooheon Yeah, it takes some getting used to, after so many years of unqualified keywords!!


In terms of destructuring:

user=> (let [{:foo/keys [a b c]} {:a 1 :foo/b 2 :c 3 :foo/c 4}] (println a b c))
nil 2 4


yes, i wrote it to behave the way the #: reader macro behaves, namely, it does not disturb non-qualified keys


#:foo{:a 1 :bar/b 1}
=> {:foo/a 1, :bar/b 1}


you mean already qualified ;)


and non-keyword keys


#:foo{:a 1 :bar/b 1 42 100}
=> {:foo/a 1, :bar/b 1, 42 100}



user=> (let [{:keys [a b foo/c]} {:a 1 :foo/b 2 :c 3 :foo/c 4}] (println a b c))
1 nil 4
So you can put qualifiers in the key vector — and you get unqualified symbols back out!


how would you use the :: sugar w/in destructuring


Like this:

user=> (let [{::keys [a b c]} {:a 1 :user/b 2 :c 3 :user/c 4}] (println a b c))
nil 2 4
Note that we’re in the user namespace so ::keys means :user/keys


You can also do this (which I’m surprised is allowed):

user=> (let [{:keys [a ::b ::c]} {:a 1 :user/b 2 :c 3 :user/c 4}] (println a b c))
1 2 4


actually it seems to work by putting the :: in the vector of keys too, though i'm not sure it's a good idea


(let [{:keys [a b c]} {:a 1 :foo/b 2 :c 3 ::c 4}] (println a b c))
1 nil 3
=> nil
(let [{:keys [a b ::c]} {:a 1 :foo/b 2 :c 3 ::c 4}] (println a b c))
1 nil 4


so the last example would be the way to mix and match ::b and :d


I expected that to be an error but apparently you can use keywords in the key vector? @alexmiller Is that supposed to be valid?


You can’t have multiple :keys ::keys and :foo/keys deconstructions separately at once, right? You’d do {:keys [a ::b foo/c]}


That’s my understanding, yes.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)03:06:55

@seancorfield yes, we support keywords there so that you can use autoresolved keywords


Is that documented? (I guess the docs could have been updated since I last looked at them… 🙂 )

Alex Miller (Clojure team)03:06:34

And you can have multiple keys destructurings at the same time for different namespaces

Alex Miller (Clojure team)03:06:47

It was in the changelog when it went in but that was a while ago


Yup, the destructuring guide contains examples.


Not of ::k directly but of ::p/name

Alex Miller (Clojure team)03:06:27

Rich and I worked on some updated docs for destructuring but I can't remember if those actually got all the way done


It’s fairly comprehensive, TBH. Thank you. And Rich.


@alexmiller From my issue in the tweet, here's the tail end of a very long stack trace:

clojure.spec.alpha/regex-spec-impl/reify/gen*                 alpha.clj: 1672
                        clojure.spec.alpha/re-gen                 alpha.clj: 1601
                              clojure.core/every?                  core.clj: 2572
                                clojure.core/next                  core.clj:   64
                              clojure.core/map/fn                  core.clj: 2657
              clojure.spec.alpha/re-gen/ggens/gen                 alpha.clj: 1582
                        clojure.spec.alpha/re-gen                 alpha.clj: 1597
                        clojure.spec.alpha/gensub                 alpha.clj:  275
                             clojure.core/ex-info                  core.clj: 4617
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Unable to construct gen at: [:exception] for: (instance? java.lang.Throwable %)
    clojure.spec.alpha/failure: :no-gen
       clojure.spec.alpha/form: (clojure.core/fn [%] (clojure.core/instance? java.lang.Throwable %))
       clojure.spec.alpha/path: [:exception]


What I don't get is why it is trying to create a generator. It just supposed to be validating inputs into our schema/compile function.


Basically, the function I'm passing in doesn't have a fspec, so I'm going to add one and see if that helps.


Nope. Bad guess. Providing my own fspec didn't work.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:29

Right, so that was my guess

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:58

the way that fspec args are validated in instrumentation is by using the fspec’s generator to generate values and invoke the function

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:52

and check the ret and fn spec to verify the function with random inputs is valid according to the fspec

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:02

thus all fspec’s should have an args spec that generates

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:31

the surprising bit here is that they need that not just for check, but also for instrument

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:01

same is also true of fdef for check, but not for instrument

Alex Miller (Clojure team)16:06:51

(because checking an fdef involves generating using its args generator)


(in a meeting, will digest and get back to you)


Just wondering, why not just wrapping args/ret of fspec fns with s/valid? when instrumented


It would fail "later" (invoke time) but might be more intuitive (and faster)


Could be an option

Alex Miller (Clojure team)17:06:16

not sure if Rich considered that or not, haven’t talked to him about it


alexmiller: just wondering: wouldn't it be better to keep open then?


Not the first time this comes up: clj-1936


So I'm a bit lost .... is there no way I can simply declare what my callback should look like without coming up with a generator for the callback?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:47

hlship: in short no, if you want to also validate the fdef. other options are to override the fdef args generator or to use a generator override on instrument


You can use fn? (meh)


mpenet: Yes, that's where I'm headed.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:19

actually, ifn? is better if you go that route


I almost don't care about validation as much as documentation of my Argos and result.


(gen/sample (s/gen (s/spec ::clojure.core.specs.alpha/map-bindings)))
ExceptionInfo Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries.  clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4725)


@gfredericks in core.specs.alpha


the clojure.core specs that got split out into a separate lib when spec got split out


@alexmiller I’m confused by the definition of ::core.specs/map-bindings. What does it mean for (s/every ... :into {}) I don’t see a guarantee that the every coll has an even number of elements, nor a requirement that the input coll is a map


(this is coming up because I’m trying to run spectrum inference on clojure.core)


@arohner every branch of map-bindings seems to be a pair, does that explain your confusion?


(s/conform ::clojure.core.specs.alpha/map-bindings '[[foo bar]]) => [[foo bar]]


it seems very weird to me that :into is used for generating, but the resulting conform doesn’t change


the real source of my trouble is just below, when I have to handle (s/def ::map-binding-form (s/merge ::map-bindings ::map-special-binding))


where s/merge takes maps

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:19

sorry, just reading this now. where is your question at now?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:06

note that s/merge doesn’t flow conformed values so only the last map spec in the merge will matter for the conformed value


::map-binding-forms takes two maps, because of s/merge, but map-bindings is not guaranteed to return maps, because it uses :into and not :kind

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:25

I don’t agree with the last clause there?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:07

both :into and :kind affect s/every gen


(s/conform ::clojure.core.specs.alpha/map-bindings '[[foo bar]]) is that expected?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:18

I’d say that’s not a supported map binding form

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:31

I guess we could use :kind to narrow that


right, spectrum is currently picky about that, and I’m trying to understand it / make it work


spectrum says map-binding isn’t necessarily a map, so the merge isn’t guaranteed to work in all cases

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:06:51

yeah, that seems good. if you want to file a jira, we can try to get that in next release


sure. in CLJ, or does spec have it’s own project now?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:06:56

if you want to make a patch, that will be faster than me making it (as I can screen it)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:06:12

patch against core.specs.alpha of course


What's the best way to define a function :args spec for a function which takes a single argument?


@peeja - same way as you do for any :args spec

(s/fdef your-func
        :args (s/cat :single-arg some-pred?)


So, still use s/cat then?


yes, as it's still a vector of one element

Alex Miller (Clojure team)22:06:54

agreed and to take that a step further, it’s useful to use a regex op (s/cat) here because the conformed value will be a map with the arg name as the key, and that’s useful in the :fn spec or in explanations