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I'm trying to spec something like s-expressions, and my current flailing in that direction involves a recursive s/tuple
(something like
(s/def ::sexp
(s/alt :arg integer?
:expression (s/tuple fn?
(s/* ::sexp))))
), but I'd like for the input not to have to be a vector of vectors. Am I better off just turning the input into such a vector as part of the checking process, or is there another way?then you can just replace ::sexp (s/* ::sexp) with (s/+ ::sexp) too
(s/def ::sexp (s/alt :arg integer? :expression (s/cat :f fn? :args (s/+ ::sexp))))
@alexmiller Thanks! When I gen/generate
from an s/cat
approach, though, I don't get a sequence of sequences, though, but just one flat one.
I was asking stuff in the beginners channel, but probably this is a better place for doing that. I posted this snippet of code, claiming that it doesn't work:
(let [arst {:a [1 2 3]
:b {:c #{::z ::x ::c}}}]
(s/keys :req-un (get-in arst [:b :c])))
And I was told that :req-un wants a literal vector of namespaced keywords, not something that evaluates to one, because of it being a macro (obviously) - which makes sense.
So I went a step further, and macro'd my stuff like this:
(def my-bunch-of-stuff {:a {:b [:x :c :d]}
:z {:b vector?}}
(defmacro arst [type]
(let [sp# (get-in my-bunch-of-stuff [type :b])]
(if (fn? sp#)
`(s/spec ~sp#)
`(s/spec (s/keys :req-un ~(vec (map #(->> % str keyword) sp#)))))))
and it still doesn't work OOB; while, if I copy-paste the result of macroexpand '(arst :a)
in the REPL - it works flawlessly. What's going on here? I'm afraid that there's some rookie mistake here somewhere...(let [arst {:a [1 2 3]
:b {:c #{::z ::x ::c}}}]
(eval `(s/keys :req-un ~(get-in arst [:b :c]))))
and you might actually need to call seq
or vec
on the result of the get-in, not sure s/keys will happily take a set as :req-un value
your macro should work (kinda, you need namespaced keys in your bunch-of-stuff and there's a paren missing there too)
I'm sorry for adding the macro after the request, I accidentally pressed enter
before completing my post.
My keys aren't namespaced - I "namespace" them with the (map #(->% str keyword) sp#)
What puzzles me is: why does this macro work if I try to do (arst :z)
- which takes a function from the bunch-of-stuff and spits a spec out of it -
and doesn't if I get a vector of un-namespaced keywords, "namespace" them with the dirty hack described above???
I (macroexpand '(arst :a))
, and copy-paste what I get in REPL - and it works, but it doesn't if I just try to do (arst :a)
I'm pretty sure that ~(vec (map #(->> % str keyword) sp#))
yields a vector of namespaced keywords...
it doesnt I think, it creates keys with ":foo" content with a leading :, so yeah ::foo but not namespaced per say
try running your spec, it will complain about this. Try changing your keys in bunch-of-stuff with ns keys you ll see
Oh... I see. Was able to make it work using this other horrible hack:
(defmacro arst [type]
(let [sp# (get-in settings [type :b])]
(if (fn? sp#)
`(s/spec ~sp#)
`(s/spec (s/keys :req-un ~(vec (map #(keyword (str *ns* "/" (name %))) sp#)))))))
If I want a generator that produces a wider range of vaues than the ones provided for double-in and int-in how would I go about getting one of those?
all the random numbers I’m getting are pretty small and I need to test against some big ones.
ah ok.. looks generators probably aren’t going to be efficient enough for the way I was abusing them.
@triss what's a uniform distribution over doubles?
@triss oh I think this is a sizing issue, sorry I didn't read back far enough
@gfredericks ah I can see why that might be awkward. rand
seems more even than this though
@triss you should get lots of values close to 200, but gen/sample
is deliberately only showing you small examples
@triss try (gen/sample ... 200)
is there any reason for why s/spec
couldn't accept a third optional argument for defining a custom generator? I thin it would make it easier to statically analyze specs and might end up with some cool tooling use cases
@triss test.check has some subtleties with sizing that need to be documented better, and I have 45 minutes free right now so I think I will start on that
@gfredericks I still see a similar distribution. biased to low numbers
ah many thanks @gfredericks will be much appreciated
@triss it's not going to be uniform, but you should definitely get some larger numbers
@triss one reason I asked my original question about what a uniform distribution is, is because doubles themselves aren't uniform -- there are a lot more numbers between 1 and 50 than 50 and 200
so uniform might mean different things in different contexts
you could say that
it's kind of inherent in the idea of floating point
not really, but I think I know what you're trying to get at
@triss you could use large-integer to get this pretty easily
or at least something close
yes that's a good way of putting it :)
(gen/let [x (gen/large-integer {:min 0 :max 200000000})] (/ x 1000000.0))
@triss ⇑ something like that
it won't get you every double in that range, but it might be okay for what you're doing
and it wouldn't be hard to make it fancier so that it hits most things
oh ha yes I forgot that
@triss try (gen/let [x (gen/choose 0 200000000)] (/ x 1000000.0))
@triss ⇑ these essentially are custom generators
it's all about composing lower-level generators to get what you want
is one of the lowest-level ones, and gives you a uniform distribution over a range of integers
@triss now that I think about it, I might recommend the large-integer
approach anyhow, but it's tricky to explain why
worst case you can cheat the thing with (gen/fmap #(do whatever you want) (gen/return nil))
@triss this might be useful:
I have this one bookmarked 🙂
@triss w.r.t. choose
vs large-integer
, the short explanation is that test.check has a strategy where it tries small things first and slowly tries larger and larger things; by using choose
you're overriding that strategy, and that strategy is the reason you saw an uneven distribution with large-integer
which is best depends on your goals, but I'd say large-integer
would be a good default
@triss clojure.spec uses them for a bit more than test.check does, but still for testing purposes; if you're using them for not-testing-at-all, it will be a little weird but not terrible; understanding the sizing subtleties could be more important though
I suppose based on that jungle music talk at the conj I should expect people will be using generators for all sorts of things
@triss the gen/generate
function will probably be useful for you, since it accepts a size
e.g., (repeatedly 200 #(gen/generate (gen/let ...) 200))
should give you the distribution you wanted even using large-integer
Guys, can someone help me with this: I have a long string of lorem ipsums, something like this "pellentesq dapib suscip liguldon posue augquaeti v tort ..." and now I need a spec with a generator that would generate a name of 3 to 5 words long by randomly pulling those words from that lorem-ipsum string. How do I do that?
(def s “pellentesq dapib suscip liguldon posue augquaeti v tort”)
(clojure.string/join " " (take 3 (shuffle (clojure.string/split s " “))))
;=> "augquaeti posue v”
@ag does this look right?oh you said generator… hmm
You could make a generator for sequences fitting that format. Composing in string/join
is the unknown bit, but it seems doable.
You could do that in a custom generator, for instance, but then you'd have a custom generator 😕
(gen/sample (gen/bind (gen/shuffle (str/split "foo bar baz qux asd wet ab" #" ")) #(gen/frequency [[5 (gen
/return (take 3 %))] [5 (gen/return (take 5 %))]])))
;=> (("foo" "baz" "bar" "ab" "wet") ("foo" "ab" "baz") ("wet" "bar" "baz") ("baz" "bar" "ab") ("bar" "ab" "baz") ("foo" "
ab" "baz") ("foo" "wet" "asd" "ab" "baz") ("asd" "wet" "ab") ("qux" "wet" "foo" "bar" "baz") ("ab" "bar" "asd" "foo"
yeah but I can’t make this work, I got this far:
(s/with-gen string? #(gen/generate (gen/shuffle (clojure.string/split lorem-ipsum #”\s")))))
got it to alternate between take 3 and take 5
i think you see the pattern
just add an entry for (take 4 %)
with w/e freq you want
i think the only reason i came up with that so fast was the time i spent in haskell 😅
bind man...
@adambros oh this is awesome, now I think how could be gen/frequency part can be generalized
how about
(gen/vector (gen/elements the-words) 3 5)
should be more efficient than the shuffler too since it doesn't do lots of shuffling work just to throw it away
only difference is it won't give you distinct elements
@gfredericks oh, yeah, makes sense
thats interesting, so i guess it depends on if you want/need distinct elements
if you need distinct, wrapping it in such-that
might be efficient, as long as the collection is large enough