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Hmm, I have an issue with generating data for a multi-spec. It works fine for testing with s/valid? but not when using (gen/generate (s/gen ::myspec)). I have the following setup:

(defmulti myspec first)
(defmethod myspec :option/a [_] (s/cat :opt #{:option/a} :val boolean?))
(defmethod myspec :option/b [_] (s/cat :opt #{:option/b} :val string?))
(s/def ::myspec (s/multi-spec myspec first))
Then the following crashes:
(gen/generate (s/gen ::myspec))
;; #object[Error Error: :option/b is not ISeqable]
I’m on cljs FYI.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:11:02

the problem is your retag function (first)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:11:23

re the docs "retag is used during generation to retag generated values with matching tags. retag can either be a keyword, at which key the dispatch-tag will be assoc'ed, or a fn of generated value and dispatch-tag that should return an appropriately retagged value."

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:11:13

in this case, I think the value generated by each method spec is probably fine without modification, so you can just use (fn [val tag] val)

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:11:57

note that you can’t easily use the anon function syntax here as it must be a function with arity 2

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:11:38

you could sneakily use it via something like #(first %&) but I find the fn version to communicate much better


@alexmiller Awesome, honestly I read the docs but did not quite understand the retagging part… Now it works as expected.


Will specs be re-resolved on Component system restart/refresh?


Specs are re-added to the registry when you use c.t.n.r/refresh and the like, but any deleted specs will not be removed from the registry.


If that helps.


Is this a bug? s/merge specs are not conforming in this case:

(s/def ::status (s/conformer (fn [x] (or (keyword x) ::s/invalid))))
=> :dev/status
(s/def ::a (s/keys :req-un [::status]))
=> :dev/a
(s/def ::b (s/merge ::a (s/keys :req-un [::id])))
=> :dev/b
(s/conform ::b {:id 1 :status "hi"})
=> {:id 1, :status "hi"}
(s/conform ::a {:id 1 :status "hi"})
=> {:id 1, :status :hi}


"hi" should become a keyword

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:11:26

Merge does not flow conformed values like and

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:11:42

You'll get the conformed value of the last spec

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:11:35

Each spec basically has to independently conform for the merge to succeed

Alex Miller (Clojure team)19:11:51

If you swap the order in your merge you should get what you want


Don't you want the behavior to be more like map merge? First determine the keys and then conform them.

Alex Miller (Clojure team)20:11:02

That's not what merge is


OK. I could read the docs that way.


I see bare (s/keys) doesn't conform either.


I wonder how clear these things should be in the docs or if I'm pushing it too far.


Is there a way to spec a multimethod where you can add to the spec in an open-ended way?


Just like you can add to the multimethod in an open-ended way.


I had an idea to define a spec, ::item, that specifies that a thing either has an :id key or that it can have a function called id called on it. I'm not sure, though, if that's a job for protocols instead of specs.


The other thing I'm struggling with is, I can use specs when I define them in the namespace in which I want to use them, but I don't understand how to require them from another namespace. I gathered that spec/def registered them globally somehow, but other-name-space/foo does not seem available.


it does register them globally, but if you don't load the code it doesn't happen

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:11:36

@mathpunk re the first question - you could do that but you would need some way to tell that a function can do that (and protocols is maybe the best way) - something like (s/def ::item (s/or :has-key (s/keys :req-un [:id]) :has-fn #(satisfies? HasId %)))

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:11:13

where HasId is (defprotocol HasId (id [x]))

Alex Miller (Clojure team)23:11:46

re the second, as hiredman said, they are registered globally and can be referred to by (qualified-keyword) name, assuming you loaded the code that registered them