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Martynas Maciulevičius12:09:53

Hey. I consider to relocate to Portugal and I'd like to know what I may have missed. What could you tell about Funchal and Madeira? • The climate seems to be pretty nice (I think that it's probably possible to swim all year round (?)). And the temperature doesn't go down to negatives too (I'm from Lithuania and I try to compare Madeira to Malta which is a little hotter in the summer). It also shouldn't go to 30C too often. • I'd like to know whether there are some kind of Clojure or non-clojure meetups (like Java, JS or others (articles were writing that this island is popular among expat people)). Are there some kind of activities to meet new people (English/Portuguese practice groups or dance lessons)? I don't know Portuguese but I've visited Lisbon in the past. Also is it possible to not know Portuguese and survive? Or at least use it at a minimal level? • Do you need AC to heat the room in the "winter" or is ambient temperature enough? (I know that they don't have heating and insulation in Portugal). • I was trying to find out how would the internet be further away from the city. I found that in the internet should be good in the Funchal city itself but then the article said that I have to check with operators or resort to 4G. • Buying things via web shops? Is it limited? How's the shipping? • Hospital? Are the services ok?