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Hi all, I'm having trouble understanding how to call Java instances methods from within Clojure. Since I have no previous Java experience I'm kind of mind boggled and the explanations I found are puzzling. I found this link ( which explains how to use java methods with examples in Java code and Clojure code, e.g.: Java's object_name.method_name(args) would become (. object_name method_name args) or (.method_name object_name args). So far so good and I can get these to work:

           (new java.util.Locale "nl", "NL"))
           "2022-07-01")) ; => "juli"
(let [df (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "MMMM" (new java.util.Locale "nl", "NL"))
               date (java.time.LocalDate/now)]
           (.format df date)) ; => "september"
But I cannot for the life of me figure out how to call the instance method getLocale from java.time.format/DateTimeFormatter It says here that its public Locale getLocale() where Locale is a link that leads to java.util.Locale but that class doesnt have getLocale... I'm confused



(let [df (java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter/ofPattern "MMMM" (new java.util.Locale "nl", "NL"))]
  (.getLocale df))


getLocale is an instance method, so you call it on an instance of DateTimeFormatter

👀 2
✅ 1

Ahhh thanks! Thanks makes much more sense haha