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Buondi’! Sono rimasto alzato a vedere il Q&A con Rich. Talk piacevole come sempre.

👏 3
👍 2

Niente sorprese o qualcosa di nuovo da riportare comunque.


Ho anche guardato il talk su Oz. Li’ ho imparato varie cose nuove ed interessanti, tipo questo concetto all’incrocio tra logica e programming di lasciare unbound variables nel codice che vengono “riempite” da altri threads. Molto interessante.


Riporto anche qualche commento divertente da parte di Richard Gabriel, che ricorda gli anni passati al lavoro con McCarthy:

McCarthy was the worst teacher - of Lisp or anything - you can imagine. We called his classes "Uncle John's Mystery Hour."

He was so bad a teacher that the quarter I was his TA for Lisp programming, I received the highest set of student reviews in the history of Stanford. And I was not very good at all....

I knew him for 35 years; I worked with him for five of those. I believe he considered me a friend. He was a terrible teacher and speaker, but no one I knew or ever met was smarter than he was. And I have met many brilliant people - more than make sense to have met


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