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Kellään lapsia jotka olis kiinnostuneita ohjelmoinnista? 🙂 In English below --- Kiinnostaisiko lastasi oppia tekemään omia pelejä ja ohjelmia? Helsingin yliopiston tiedeluokka Linkki järjestää keväällä 2024 ohjelmointikerhoja niin aloittelijoille kuin jo kokeneemmille koodareille. Kerhot on suunnattu alakoululaisista lukiolaisiin ja niitä järjestetään sekä Helsingissä Kumpulan kampuksella että etänä verkossa. Kerhojen tarkemmat tiedot ja ilmoittautumisen löytyvät kotisivuiltamme Kerhot alkavat viikolla 4, ja useissa kerhoissa on vielä hyvin tilaa! Tervetuloa mukaan! --- Is your child interested in learning to make their own games and programs? Science education lab Linkki at University of Helsinki offers multiple programming clubs this spring for both beginners and more advanced coders. We have clubs from primary school pupils to high school students. Clubs are held at Kumpula campus in Helsinki and online. More information and registration to the clubs on our homepage Clubs start on week 4 and many clubs still have open spots! Welcome to our clubs!
That sounds interesting and it reminds me of Coder Dojo. Are the activities related to Clojure? (It's ok if it's not)
sadly not :) Although REPL-y languages provide some quick feedback, it's still better to use scratch where it's easy to get moving figures on the screen...
Clojure's error messages would probably also rule it out :/
All the activities are using Scratch?
there are python and sometimes scheme based courses for advanced kids. I think they also tried Logo a couple of times.
It reminds me 8 years ago, when I was organizing a club, free access for all.
I might open a club in Finland at some point.
Nice! And that would be so cool 🙂 Linkki is in a good position for actually having some infrastructure for recruiting people, finding participants and teaching teachers, but it also means they're slower to change. That said, the individual club instructors have quite a lot of freedom for well motivated experiments.
I will be living in Finland (Tampere) starting from February. We might get in touch once I am settled.
Sounds good. I have business in Tampere every now and then, so it's probably easy to drop by 🙂
> I don't understand Chinese well enough, though 🙂