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Morning all.


madainn mhath :flag-scotland:


Good morning 🙂


It just dawned on me that perhaps I'm an anomaly in here. How many of you work from home?

Ben Sless08:04:16

Mostly wfh, two days in the office


Is that a balance you prefer? Or could it be better? 🙂


Or should I say "ratio".

Ben Sless08:04:16

I live very close to the office so I don't mind seeing the team once in a while. I prefer working from home, don't get me wrong. I find it very hard to work in the office. What I appreciate is having flexibility.


I am WFH / Away from the office 4 in 5 (usually), and that works well. for me, FWIW


I almost never work from home. I have my own office, so I prefer working in that proper office setting.

👍 2

And I actually like commuting by bike 🙂

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I have to admin, @U4P4NREBY I would love a garden office so that I could "go to work" and "leave work" 🙂


I prefer the office, people around me. When I'm on my own at home I just start to do other stuff.

Ben Sless09:04:46

\>having your own office Must be nice, not working in an open space code milking farm


Nothing is worse then open plan.... IBM had that a lot 😞


I work from home


mostly wfh, but with visits to the office to meet with colleagues (the commute is a 15 minute bike ride)

Mario Trost10:04:08

wfh 5 out of 5


WFH 100%


I'm generally pretty satisfied with my 100% WFH situation. Ideally, I'd like for my door to be more sound-proof, and maybe a better office chair, but it's apparently not enough of a problem for me to buy a new chair 😄 (Can't do anything about the door atm, renting this house) If I could teleport to my office across the country, I would probably go there once every other week or something.

Ludger Solbach11:04:43

I'm 1-2 days a week at my current customers office, rest WFH. Just 1-2 days in companies office this year.

Ludger Solbach11:04:35

I like the face time in the office but I also like getting things done undisturbed. And I really dislike the traffic situation here.


Wfh most of the time but lately try to get to the office twice a week as I find both settings useful for different aspects of the work


I've been 100% WFH almost continuously since 2007. I briefly worked for a startup that wanted me in the office 3, sometimes 4, days a week but the hours were flexible enough that I could miss rush hour commuting. Where I work now, the entire company has been 100% remote for over a decade, and that's allowed employees to move wherever they want, so we have a couple of folks who've moved back to Europe (from California) to be near their families, and one of our team tended to hop all over Europe and the Middle East working from wherever he was staying for a while 🙂 When we bought our house (back in 2001), setting up a proper office at home was the first thing we did -- nice office chairs for myself and my wife, big T-shaped office desk, filing cabinets, etc. Looks out over the garden. My "commute" is to turn right out of the bedroom -- getting coffee is a longer walk! 🙂

😛 1

Only from office (even during covid time), I'm almost alone there...


yeah, having space for an office at home is really, really helpful. Being able to be remote and not have to come into an office for a few days a week makes it a lot easier to find a place we could afford with built in office space.


our company buys kit for people who need it as well (desks, chairs, monitors) as we are still technically on the hook for that if someone is working from home

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😍 2

I had assumed that the majority did, for some reason.


Good morning

👏 1

good morning