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Mario Trost06:04:41

Good morning!


Morning all.


Good morning 🙂




It's bin a day.


nice yellow... today it is our green bin day


I'll post that one tomorrrow 😉


🎶 All our bins are brown ... 🎵


We have a grey one for general waste, a green one for garden and food and a black one with blue lid for paper. Plastic, drink kartons and cans are in a plastic bag.

Ludger Solbach08:04:32

that's in germany 🙂

Ludger Solbach08:04:46

we don't have room for a paper bin at home, so I have to drive the paper to a recycling point. That's a nuisance.


sounds like it indeed.


not to trigger you @U017HM6BG07 but that yellow beast is full of paper and cardboard. And yet I still make regular trips to the recycling "park" cos home deliveries have dramatically increased the amount of cardboard I / we need to manage


We had loads of cardboard over Christmas (new furniture) and I filled our own and the the containers of two neighbours. and I packed it all really tight as well.


@U04V5V0V4 same, regretfully. Sooooo much plastic, it's scary.

Ludger Solbach15:04:30

I've greatly reduced my amazon orders because of all the cardboard. But it's also good for my bank account. 😜


I’ve eliminated Amazon but one still has to buy things occasionally :man-shrugging::skin-tone-2:


I think our big producers of plastic waste are actually food containers and wrappings. Not extraordinary stuff, though of course, Christmas requires extra storage. Sucks to know that it's not actually recycled, just shipped to some other country to deal with. Then again, we receive waste water from Norway. It's human nature's big cycle of shit.


Sucks to know that it's not actually recycled, just shipped to some other country to deal with.That's surprising, do you have a source? According to my local waste company,


TBH my knowledge is some years old, and, looking it up, it does seem that the percentage varies by year. For example, in 2016, 27% of our plastic waste was exported, but it goes up to 50% some years. I thought it was much worse - maybe it was, some years ago. Still, the thought of shipping tonnes of plastic first to Germany, then to Asian countries - the logistics of that, expending fuels on that - seems horrendous to me. But perhaps it's justified in some way. It certainly seems more complex than I first thought; we are also importing plastics for burning to gain energy 😮


The reason I recall it at all is because I saw some powerful images of poor families living at a seaside or riverside on mounds of plastic, cooking their food on fires fuelled by bits of plastic. Of course, I don't know if that was/is Danish plastic 🙂


Not sure about the specifics per country but helped me better understand the plastic industry


Good morning

Ben Sless15:04:05

Daily footgun - using test assertions in test check properties doesn't fail the property