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I wish I had discovered programming earlier in my life. So much stuff I want to learn, I could have had a 15 year head start on my current self 🚀

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what's your age then


40. Started programming at 30. No reason it couldn't have been in my teens 😊 just wasn't


I started in sixth grade or whatever they call it in other school systems, but pretty much didn't do much during my teens, I was more interested in hanging out with friends, doing useless stuff ;)




I hear that! I didn't have the passion for learning then that I do now


I also didn't do much programming during my CS studies, paradoxically. I followed a lot of theoretical CS stuff which sometimes required you to program something, but not much. Java didn't attract me and I didn't discover the pleasures of something like Clojure yet.


Everything seemed so boring: PHP + mySQL websites


or J2EE :face_vomiting:


Is PHP just boring or also bad, in your opinion?


It feels like there's a lot more fun options these days


I don't have strong opinions on PHP, it depends on the context. I run some PHP in "production" :) well, ok, it's only 15 lines

think_beret 1

> I wish I had discovered programming earlier in my life. So much stuff I want to learn I have the same feeling, though I realized programming was a good thing to know at age 19. I’m convinced to my bones that school could have been so much more fun if programming became a tool we could use to make things at an early age. Not just a means in itself to become a CS professor, but do history projects and deliver in HTML, use maths to make animations and graphics, or keep raspberry pi’s around that just run and do things, connect a display + keyboard to change the thing it does. (though learning to program takes time, and I might be underestimating the effort required + the difficulty in teaching programming well),


I started learning how to program when I was 9. I learned BASIC and then assembly language. I picked up an awful lot of bad habits in the process, and it's only when I learned OO (ten years after I started) and then when I learned functional programming (nearly 20 years after I started) that I started to feel like I was actually good at the programming thing. I'm still not sure whether it was an advantage to have learnt to program badly at a relatively young age...

👍 1

My dad bought me a Sinclair Programmable calculator as my start. I was 12 or 13. Then my school offered a correspondence course in Algol 60. I consider myself really lucky (and privileged) to have gotten such an early start. And now I've had over 40 years of professional software development. It's been wild to see all the changes in our profession over the decades.

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In some ways, having a shorter career means you haven't had to unlearn a lot of the old, bad stuff some of us have had to deal with, in order to try to stay current 😁

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I started when I was 11 or 12, I think. It was a short transition from creating animations with Flash, to wanting to add some bits of interactivity to make games. Ahhh, Macromedia Flash. It still feels like the future, even though it’s been dead for more than a decade. Good night, sweet prince…

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More bad art

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Good morning. Fairytale snow.

❤️ 5
wow 4

that is un real


I know. But I promise it was untouched by AI