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Mac users: Do you use AppCleaner or similar to uninstall apps?
I've got an IntelliJ/Cursive problem that resembles what other people have experienced and solved with a uninstall/install cycle. Since I'm on a new, unspoiled Mac, I'm trying to make sure that I keep it clean 🙂
Welp, reinstalling didn't help :l IntelliJ/Cursive gets stuck on "Calculating classpath..." whenever I start up a REPL.
Ah, perhaps this is related 😅
com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessNotCreatedException Cannot run program "/Users/johndoe/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/corretto-1.8.0_372/Contents/Home/bin/java" (in directory "/Users/johndoe/dev/projects/myproject"): error=86, Bad CPU type in executable
Yup, at long last. I think I was one of the last to get mine. In the beginning of last year, my boss said that he was trying to get us all new macs, and I said that mine (2016) was actually still doing OK. Fast forward to now, and it's struggling to do what should be mundane tasks 😅 Got the new one just in time, though I can't get figwheel running just yet.
And I'm taking my sweet time configuring everything, trying out new apps and such (Rectangle instead of Spectacle, Kitty instead of iTerm - so far)
Thanks for sharing 🙂
I've used that before, the treemap visualization is cool 😎 in a very nerdy way.
Welp, reinstalling didn't help :l IntelliJ/Cursive gets stuck on "Calculating classpath..." whenever I start up a REPL.