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Good morning! First Christmas day off 🌲🎅


Is there a name for what Teams or Messages (on Mac) does when you're scrolling up the chat looking for something and it jumps to a different place so that you lose track of where you were? It's such terrible UX, and I've seen it more than one place. (And I think I get why it's happening, technically - it still sucks 😑)


I don't have a word - but I absolutely hate that. Twitter does it all the time. I'm scrolling down reading some persons work, and follow a link. Then I go back and I'm lost. Having to scroll down pages upon pages and figure out where I was. Grrrr


Perhaps chat apps should just store position in chat, and ask you explicitly if you want to go to latest?


Stuff like that is why I generally open links in new tabs when I can, which is not always easy on the phone


That's be neat


The situation I'm talking about is purely when Im scrolling, though

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Scroll, scroll, scroll, looking for something... Oops, the stream of messages jumped to s different point (lazy loading I guess) and now I have no clue were in the stream I am


Oh - right, even worse.


I feel a bit torn myself between chat apps and "note taking apps". The fast interaction from chat is great, but it's hard to connect things. Roam Research has a sidebar that I use as a "context stack". I put things there when I want to reference it later. It helps be stay grounded. I would have loved to see something similar in chat apps. Put some messages on the sidebar to see them at the same time and compare.


(I'm guessing we'll see a blurring between note taking/ knowledge management apps and chat apps the next years)


Mastodon has surprisingly good UX for that, but it helps that the stream is of course strictly chronological.

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@U0AQ3HP9U I recommend completely forgetting about Teams during your xmas holiday 😉

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@U052XLL3A don't think that'll be difficult, fortunately 😁


Good morning and goodbye to the mountains

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Turning some before-the-xmas-holidays-slack into code 🙂 Great to see the clojure.math ns appear locally…


Good morning!

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Good morning! I'm down in a man cold. Waking up the winter landscape was strikingly beautiful and if I hadn't been so weakened I would have taken pictures because the view escapes my ability to describe in words.


Yeah, a lovely winter’s day on this side of the Gulf of Bothnia as well. Here’s to hoping for a white Christmas.