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Good morning 🙂


Good Morning!


good morning world


Morning 🙂




The heat. Ugh!


My girlfriend suggested hibernating until autumn, and let me tell you, I’m down for that


@otfrom Denmark (Northern Jutland)


I know that things are way worse on a daily basis in other countries. I’m a delicate flower 😛


It’s a change in tastes, really. I used to lament that Denmark has so few sunny days. Now I long for rain and gray days.


@reefersleep I don't think you'd do very well where I live now -- when we have a "heatwave" it's 32C (and we've had it be 37/38C in the house on those days, since we don't have A/C).


@seancorfield I concur! Is something prevention you from having A/C? I think I'd have to have it!


It used to be that it just didn't get that hot here for more than a few days at a time, a couple of times a year. But now it's more frequent and for longer periods. We have a small A/C in the bedroom and a small A/C in the "cat room" but nothing in the office, the TV room, or the "great room" (the open plan kitchen/gym area as it has become, which is about half the house 🙂 )


When we get "desperate" we close everything up, turn the A/C on in the bedroom and set up two big fans in the hall to suck the nice, cold air out of the bedroom into the office and/or TV room... but there's not much we can do about the kitchen/gym area 😞


For the most part in the summer, we just have all the doors and windows open all day 😆


Same here. The thing is, we’re blessed to live right next to the edge of a small forest, which is very photogenic and entertaining (looking at birds, enjoying the rustle of the leaves etc). This blessing is also a curse in the form of many, many bugs in the summer, as we’re experiencing right now. My girlfriend has a phobia for some of them, so that kind of sucks, and they love getting in the house when everything’s open. Also, some neighbours are annoyingly loud, which can be especially troublesome when the baby is sleeping. We haven’t succumbed and bought A/C stuff - we did get a big fan, though 🙂 Which helps a little bit. We’re still planning to move to the country - that’ll help with the neighbours bit. As for the phobias, we’re looking to get my girlfriend some therapy for that. And then we’ll have to see how hot that eventual house will be in the summers, and how the summers will be… Maybe we’ll get A/C eventually, as well. It’s very power consumption expensive to have A/C running, isn’t it?


we're in the country @reefersleep - lots of bugs from the organic chicken farm a couple of fields away (but the eggs are great and a third the price of the same eggs in the supermarket)


You win some, you lose some


@U0524B4UW do you do anything particular about your bugs?


not found much that works... if you open a window or a door they come in quite quickly. you can clear a room quite easily by waving a tea towel around though - they fly to avoid it - and you get some respite


and they disappear in the evening/night too, which is a blessing


Sounds like it’s worse for you. I’ll count my blessings in my moderately warm, somewhat buggy home 🙂


today the flies were really bad, and we discovered flyherding - two people, each whirling a tea towel to present as large an impression as possible, work like sheep dogs to herd the flies out of the door

😅 2

it works very well, but you have to keep the doors and windows closed or they are back in no time


Dang, that’s rough!


could be worse - they don't seem much interested in landing on anything, they just fly around in circles having a social or doing some other enigmatic fly stuff - and flyherding is turning out to be very effective!


Looks a bit comical in my mind’s eye, but can’t knock it if it works 😅


pure comedy. we are the flyherding world champions! 🪰🇬🇧


@reefersleep A simple alternative to "insectophobia" therapy is placing mosquito screens in front of every window/door during summer months. This is what I do at home. They are self made with wood frames. But I guess you can shop them. As for managing heat in a building if you have lower temperature during the night, it is best to prevent any external air and direct sunlight to enter the building during the day. Then over ventilates during the night by opening some windows/doors. This way you leverage the inertia of the house to keep it cool (< 24˚C) during the day when it is over 30˚C outside. You need a decent level of insulation for this to work, or a great amount of materials with high thermal inertia inside the insulated enveloppe.


I used to live in an old house made of compressed earth with (< 50 wall-thickness-in-cm 100) and very small windows. No active A/C system. In the summer it never gets over 22˚C inside even during heatwaves.


@UC0JV84JF that’s a good tip!


I hadn’t heard of that before, weirdly.


Same here. The thing is, we’re blessed to live right next to the edge of a small forest, which is very photogenic and entertaining (looking at birds, enjoying the rustle of the leaves etc). This blessing is also a curse in the form of many, many bugs in the summer, as we’re experiencing right now. My girlfriend has a phobia for some of them, so that kind of sucks, and they love getting in the house when everything’s open. Also, some neighbours are annoyingly loud, which can be especially troublesome when the baby is sleeping. We haven’t succumbed and bought A/C stuff - we did get a big fan, though 🙂 Which helps a little bit. We’re still planning to move to the country - that’ll help with the neighbours bit. As for the phobias, we’re looking to get my girlfriend some therapy for that. And then we’ll have to see how hot that eventual house will be in the summers, and how the summers will be… Maybe we’ll get A/C eventually, as well. It’s very power consumption expensive to have A/C running, isn’t it?