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Good morning!
God morgon! Thanks for the support yesterday. Swimming over to the deep end of the pool like that was a bit scary.
Was there a recording @pez? Public speaking doesn't really get easier but you get better at preparing...
It was recorded and will be put up on Youtube by the company hosting the meetup (they’ll also be publishing clips on LinkedIn). Won’t be of much value for most of you, because it was in Swedish. 😃

Isn’t danish close enough to swedish? 😈
@simongray: Clojure stirred up a lot of curiosity yesterday. It all got much more interactive than I had expected. Most of what I had prepared was never shown and instead it became more of a Q&A with a mix of verbal and live coding answers. Very fun and at least one of the particpants I am sure will be trying it out. He was ready to throw out Swift and XCode on the spot almost. 😃

That’s my experience with clojure presentations. 🙂
It always becomes a “let me show that in the repl” kind of format
The languages are very close, @ordnungswidrig. Spoken Swedish is hard for most Danes, though, unless they have had quite a lot of exposure to it. It’s vice versa too. We often switch to English when we do business. Haha.
I grew up in Helsingør so I've had a decent amount of exposure to Swedish of the Scanian variety, but I still need Swedes to speak slowly. Written Swedish is always easier (and written Norwegian is basically the same as Danish with a few cutesy Norwegian words thrown in).
it's similar for written danish for a norsk speaker, but spoken danish sounds like it's underwater 😬
lol, eg måtte sjekke urbandictionary 🙂 ... eg er engelsk, men eg bodde i norge for en stund siden
oh, that's brilliant.. found it on youtube
hehehe kamelåså
Good thing that Youtube has speed control! (I’m serious; I sometimes watch videos at 1.5x or 2x speed)
I’ll let you all know when it’s up. (After I have checked it out myself, I might also never mention it again.)
@simongray you can always slow down the video 😛
The session was two hours of things you already know much better than I do, so slowing it down sounds a bit awful. ¯\(ツ)/¯
goedemiddag 😛
@joelkuiper In this channel we also accept UGT ;)
I was unaware of that convention 😛
good morning 🙂
I might start saying Good Day, and when I get called out on it replying with this :
But you are right, I changed my wording into "also accept", we should after all be accepting and loving community in these hard times :P
btw the link in the channel topic/description doesn't work anymore (who is the admin around here?)
I guess everything can edit that
Some new REPL workflow ideas here:
Let me know what you think
I think just manually def
-ing wherever I need to capture something for debugging still is sufficient for me without additional tools
And besides that, there are some trends towards tap
and visual tools like portal
or reveal
but honestly I still stick with very basic debugging
have you quit twitter yet @jasonbell?
I wasn’t planning to. I just a headline this morning that [some star I’m not really aware of] was “announcing” they were quitting Twitter.
Good thing that Youtube has speed control! (I’m serious; I sometimes watch videos at 1.5x or 2x speed)