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Good morning early worms!
Holy crap, gzip makes a huge difference! Even though it’s just compressing an unoptimised development build right now, my JS bundle size went from 6.5MB to 889KB. I would never have expected to get that level of compression.
That’s only about 7:1 which is not that unexpected for source code.
Chris Ford has this talk on Kolmogorov sequences in music
IIRC, the gist of it is that the more compressable something is, the less information it contains.
well, that’s shannon and entropy etc. I would be surprised of music if music would not be compressible well
Well, a musical score achieves a very high compression rate compared to an audio file, doesn't it ? 😉
btw @U04V5VAUN, you triggered me, and now I have to share once again the best textbook on Shannon entropy out there:
“packaged clojurescript development ring function”?
I’m happy just using shadow-cljs for development-time stuff. I don’t think gzip makes much sense to have on during development.
As simon points out; on local development, bandwidth is not a bottleneck, so adding gzip which takes some amount of processing would likely slow you down
@dominicm I just rely on always having the developer tools open for general observability and defaulting to ✅ disable cache in the network tab (this is in the Chrome developer tools).
@dominicm when you're going down the optimization road, it often makes sense to not have your static artifacts served by your Clojure process at all - e.g leave that to nginx.
@val_waeselynck in production, sure