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still on on lock down here, but some people in Scotland are starting to get cocky about missing the worst of it. (tho the care home stats are horrifying)
Folk are getting itchy feet over here too. Shopping is getting more annoying as well.
yeah there's a definite sense that lockdown is gettting tiresome
crackin day for it though
in Scotland I was hearing about there being unused ICU beds and thus a feeling of over-reaction, but then I read about it being in 50% of care homes and care home staff being short of PPE and PPE only going to England (all a bit confusing tbh)
I don't expect UK gov to be truthful about what is happening with PPE
it is as unfortunate time for a government to have (previously) damaged their credibility so bady (as previously discussed)
I thought Hancock's press briefing was wierd there were moments when he sounded like he was expressing genuine emotion and that was really powerful but an awful lot of it he sounded like pantomime villain which was ridiculous I found that to be a strange juxtaposition
I guess he'd been told to say some bits, and his heartt wasn't in it and unfortunately for him, he's not good at hiding it
Whereas I really wanted to dislike Rishi Sunak for being a callow yes-man
but he's (the only one) who's turned out better than expectation
so far, anyway
are intensive care units interrchangeable?
do they have specializations that are not so easily adapted to Severe Respiratory Distress?