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hmm... anyone know how to go from a BufferedImage to a byte[]? I'm having brain fail (I found some examples, but my head isn't screwed together enough to go from Java to clojure) You’ll need the ImageIO libs though
hmm... this give me most of what I want, but I'll have to round trip it from the file system
a bit blutak, baling wire, and bubble gum, but this works:
(defn ->workbook [comparison-defs]
(let [wb-data (into []
(mapcat (fn [cd]
[(:title cd)
(:table cd)]))
wb-charts (into []
(map (fn [cd]
[(:title cd)
(-> cd :chart :chart-image :buffer ->byte-array)]))
wb (apply xl/create-workbook wb-data)]
(run! (fn [[sheet-name img]]
(let [;; int pictureIdx = wb.addPicture(bytes, Workbook.PICTURE_TYPE_JPEG);
pic-idx (.addPicture wb img Workbook/PICTURE_TYPE_PNG)
sheet (xl/select-sheet sheet-name wb)
helper (.getCreationHelper wb)
drawing (.createDrawingPatriarch sheet)
anchor (.createClientAnchor helper)
_ (.setCol1 anchor 14)
_ (.setRow1 anchor 2)
;; Picture pict = drawing.createPicture(anchor, pictureIdx);
;; pict.resize();
pict (.createPicture drawing anchor pic-idx)]
(.resize pict)))
(defn ->byte-array [^BufferedImage image]
(with-open [out (.ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(ImageIO/write image "png" out)
(.toByteArray out)))
and there is always this:
Quite a noticeable jump in Covid19 figures yesterday in the UK, from the governments own data
Scotland is doubling every 3 days now
The data point of how many tests are done is important to understand the number of cases. It’s missing from most sets I’ve seen.