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day 2 of getting the soffits and fascias done on our roof. Hopefully when they are done the wall at the front of the house won't leak

Ben Hammond08:10:34

is your house engulfed by scaffolding?

Ben Hammond08:10:47

have they just got a ladder?


just ladders as we live in a bungalow


tho they have to go up reasonably high for the gable ends (the roof isn't pitched very steeply tho, so even then it isn't bad)


I've got some code where I need to take a number of sequences, do some mapping and filtering on them and then turn them into a map of results. Is dummy code example reasonable?

 ,,, ; some more transforms
 ,,,, ; some reducing step function
 (sequence ,,, s1 s2 s3)) 

Ben Hammond13:10:55

transducers are really only set up to process single values so you have to figure out what a value is it might be easier to turn into a sequence of maps?

Ben Hammond13:10:25

    (filter #(odd? (:seq1 %))) 
    (map :seq3)
    (map str))
  (completing string/join)
  (sequence (map #(zipmap [:seq1 :seq2 :seq3] %&))
    (range 10)
    (seq "abcdejghiklmop")
    [:one-banana :two-banana :three-banana :four :five-bananas :make-a-bunch]))
kinda thing?

Ben Hammond13:10:46

don't think sequence is buying you anything there though; might as well be

(map #(zipmap [:seq1 :seq2 :seq3] %&)
  (range 10)
  (seq "abcdejghiklmop")
  [:one-banana :two-banana :three-banana :four :five-bananas :make-a-bunch])

Ben Hammond13:10:44

that's always the problem with sequence; its unique selling point is when someone has passed you a transducer as a parameter


I'm sort of hoping that using sequence would get rid of some temporary collections


but idk yet

Ben Hammond15:10:07

I think it might avoid chunking

Ben Hammond15:10:15

if that's desirable

Ben Hammond15:10:09

if you are desperate for perfomance then its worth considering reducibles

Ben Hammond15:10:40

it sort of depends on the performance of your input data


@ben.hammond agreed. I think I'm trying to see if there are smaller changes I can make atm


and if there is anything easy

Ben Hammond15:10:13

(sotto voce) reducibles are quite easy its just a loop/recur, sugared up to make it palatable for reduce


@ben.hammond where would be a good place to read up on that?

Ben Hammond20:10:16

hmm, its not actually all that well described

Ben Hammond20:10:59

maybe its worth writing a blog post over

Ben Hammond20:10:34

essentially you are reifying clojure.lang.IReduceInit

Ben Hammond20:10:00

whilst worrying about respecting 'reduced' short circuits

Ben Hammond20:10:14

so you can write something like

(defn iterator-reducible
  "expresses an iterator through the medium of IReduceInit
   if first-val is nil it will be ignored"
  [first-val ^java.util.Iterator it]
  (reify IReduceInit
    (reduce [_ f start]
      (loop [acc (if first-val
                   (f start first-val)
        (if (or (reduced? acc)
                (not (.hasNext it)))
          (unreduced acc)
          (recur (f acc (.next it))))))))

Ben Hammond20:10:00

(which you can use to wrap any old java.util.Iterator to make it amenable to reduce or into) (wilfully ignoring iterator-seq for now)

Ben Hammond20:10:37

so you - sit in a loop - call (f acc v) if you wish to pass the value to the outside world - just skip that value if you dont - alway check (reduced? acc); this covers you for the sort of short-circuit that is used by (take 2) - just return acc when you are done

Ben Hammond20:10:18

essentially we are just doing

(loop [acc init]
  (if (.hasNext it)
    (recur (f acc (.next it)))

Ben Hammond20:10:50

which can run with very low overheads

Ben Hammond20:10:23

avoid consuming memory in multiple chunked sequences, etc

Ben Hammond20:10:47

you can plug it into transduce/reduce/into as though it were a collection

Ben Hammond20:10:47

(transduce (filter even?) + 0 (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))
=> 20

Ben Hammond20:10:23

(into [] (filter even?) (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))

Ben Hammond20:10:46

you do have to worry about init value though

(reduce + 0 (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))
=> 45
(reduce + (iterator-reducible nil (.iterator (range 10))))
Execution error (ClassCastException) at dev/eval4729 (form-init9996294491577087656.clj:1).
dev$iterator_reducible$reify__4655 cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IReduce

Ben Hammond20:10:17

you could reify clojure.lang.IReduce of course

Ben Hammond09:10:16

oh it's a particularly shaggy dog

Ben Hammond09:10:33

that was a subliminal angle I only just realised


that looks very relevant to my file processing needs.

Ben Hammond10:10:17

oh I wasn't aware of that

Ben Hammond10:10:56

once you get started writing these you find that they're useful all over the place


I need to create one for csv files really (as they aren't always just lines)