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here: though I just found out I may have misanalyzed under what circumstances this code gets used
yeah, a debug print in your own copy of Clojure and running a REPL would probably help
just compiling clojure causes that line to run 6575 times
doing (require 'foo)
when src/foo.clj
is a namespace with two or three functions causes the line to run about a hundred times
I have noticed before that, at least under nREPL, every time you eval a form the chain of classloaders has gotten one extra classloader attached to it. (by chain I mean following the parent links)
Each time you eval this the number goes up.
(->> (.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(iterate #(.getParent %))
(take-while boolean)
@gfredericks Are you using the "vanilla" Clojure REPL there? I guess you probably already realize that Leiningen and other things can insert more code in the 'stack'
Yes, vanilla
Clojure 1.10.0-beta5 passes with Coal Mine ( ✅