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Somehow I thought the meetup was at 6:30. Hanging at the bar if anyone else happens to be here!


I'm on my way


I had mentioned the MIDI input for Apple Motion so I thought I’d add the link here: Here is the Orbit Behavior in Motion as well.


Thanks for all of the links! I’m looking forward to checking them out.


This shows a cool demo of using a Apple Pencil to control MIDI


A Japanese MIDI and Motion Example


@dpsutton @mlimotte Great talks tonight, gents. I definitely learned some things I’m going to put to use.


@dpsutton We should talk more about Clojure forms in a graph database. I have a bunch research / talk material / experiments I’ve done on how I think Clojurians should lean in way more to homoiconicity, esp. w.r.t. code transformations and (Lisp) form-based search and I think there are some interesting ways that graphs could help. I really want to bring back / normalize capabilities of Lisp machines and I’m dabbling in Smalltalk-esque non-file-oriented ways of storing code and I would love to bounce some ideas off of you guys.


I’ve always been fascinated by Datomic’s ability to “hold” and execute code. Seems like you could do a really interesting “lambda” like model there. Not sure if Ions is that b/c there’s a lot of black box. I think a simpler, lower level approach is warranted.


What are the things you’re trying to accomplish? Is relevant?


thanks @camdez. You and mark killed it as well. Sorry i had to run i didn’t expect it to run 2 hours and hadn’t eaten dinner before.


Sorry I missed most of your presentation. And that we both ran well over our 10 minutes. Norman didn’t even get a chance to do his presentation this time.


@mlimotte Sorry for the super late response… I don’t have a single, well-defined aim. I’m generally just annoyed at the state of computing, and if I had the resources (time / funding), it’s something I’d seriously consider spending the majority of my time on. It’s just all so bad. The Lisp machines from the 70s were better in scores of ways. We have structured data, but we operate in text most of the time because we’re so traumatized by shitty, non-extensible non-text tools that we’ve convinced ourselves as a community that we can’t do better. But we can do (at least) 10x better. Like, for how long are we going to read stupid line-oriented diffs that generate a massive patch because we introduced a single when statement around something? It’s basically a single tree edit (see for a better approach), and I have better things to do with my time than trying to make sense of this noise. I’m also just annoyed every time I search from something in a (lossy) text-based way when I know I should be searching for a structural pattern (CodeQ is relevant here, as is Grape ( Or browse large data structures as text (`tap>` and Portal and friends have improved this story a lot). Increasingly I think code-as-text is just wrong. I should be able to open a namespace and have caller and callee functions as easily visible as in-namespace functions. I shouldn’t have to think about ordering and declare to appease the single pass compiler. Tests should be visible and (often) run automatically. Project-specific tooling should be eminently at-hand (‘add a route for this handler’, ‘restart the system’, ‘upgrade this dependency’)—context-aware tooling. UI components should render live as UI. It should be possible to store large amounts of metadata without cluttering up the visual presentation. Logging should all be structured, and easily filtered. Code should be edited entirely structurally and indentation shouldn’t be something we think about. This kind of stuff. Most of it exists in some form, but it’s all disparate tools, and it takes a lot of work to get everything set up, and things don’t play nicely together. Somewhere along the way we settled into this shitty Unix local maxima and got Stockholm-syndromed into thinking it’s OK. And I say that not as someone who struggles with Unix tooling, but as someone who has done it for 25 years and is pretty decent at it. I mean…my CPU can do 2.2 billion operations per second, but my terminal can’t be bothered to help me figure out what the next CLI argument when I forget for a second? (I know, I know…Fish shell, etc. But none of that measures up to what we would consider baseline acceptable UI for a consumer application). It can’t display images? WTF. (I know, Hyper terminal exists, blah blah). It shouldn’t take an experienced programmer to be able to draw a circle on the screen. The foundational Unix assumption that programs should speak unstructured text to each other is just stupid (in the same way SQL was a bad idea that has led to innumerable amounts of exploits and concomitant financial loss). Clearly programs should speak data to each other. It’s absolutely absurd that I ask ps for a process list and it dumps that as text and then I have to write an ad hoc parser with awk so I can get the field I want. That’s called map. Yes, ps should check if it’s outputting to a terminal and format for me if it is, but if not, it should speak EDN. With a frigging data type specifier. And that data should probably be transferred without serializing / deserializing it at every pipe. These things are the reason I use Emacs. Composition of data-manipulation tools (in sketchy Elisp…) paired with (sketchy) display capabilities. But it’s almost all worse than a real Lisp machine from 1970. We need to go back and start over, and the damn cobbler’s kids need to get themselves some decent shoes. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


Here’s a shell that is doing a few things right: Still need a decent programming language at the core of it, but it’s a step in the right direction. 🙂


Unfortunately Clojure doesn’t work great for this application because (as far as I can tell) the JVM only supports cooperative concurrency and you really need preemption for proper job control, in my non-expert opinion. I was researching how Erlang does this over the weekend. It drives me bananas that when you have a runaway thread on the JVM (say you start a stuartsierra/component system with a webserver and lose the handle to it), there’s no sanctioned / reliable way to list and kill the thread(s).


@ttarabbia Hey, following up on the discussion about Google Sheets. I have a subset of the code I use to extract from GS in the repo I shared above. Specifically, this function:

👀 2
Thomas Tarabbia14:02:01

@camdez did you say you were going to share some of your code? Is there a repository?


I’m sorry this took foreeeeever, but the code is up now:


Sam had asked me to add links and slides to the Meetup discussion. But i’m not seeing that on Anyone know where i can add my stuff?


here’s that blocking repl that creates the temp namespace with locals in it.


I meant the comments section, sorry about the confusion. If you go the page for this months meetup and scroll down it is after the Photo’s section.


The comments don’t hold formatting I just found out, so never mind.