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I'm having a bit of trouble with deploying to clojars (windows install). When I ran lein deploy clojars it asks for credentials then I got:

Could not sign D:\home\devel\dithcord\target\dithcord-0.0.8.jar
gpg: no default secret key: secret key not available
gpg: signing failed: secret key not available
Tried to gpg --gen-key, filled in all the blanks, tried again, got:
Could not sign D:\home\devel\dithcord\target\dithcord-0.0.8.jar
gpg: cannot open tty `no tty': No such file or directory
However, I (mistakenly) did this in another project (had 2 windows opened) and it worked flawlessly (and defproject doesn't even have my org name!). anyone know how I can fix this?


I've had the no tty thing before, although I enabled it in the gnupg conf


Not sure how it would work in one terminal and not the other. Maybe environment vars got set?


> defproject doesn't even have my org name That shouldn't make any difference, GPG signing isn't tied to group IDs or artifact names


TBH, GPG is a royal pain on Windows


Oh there we go. I was reading vaguely that it was possible to do that but no examples I could do