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Hi, all I’d ask a question about using fastlane build a react-native ios app, with the google firebase message module, I build and run well while i build by “npx react-native run-ios” but when build by fastlane and deploy to testflight, it cause quick.crash when lanuched. attachment is some logs, but not seem any useful infos in it! Thanks for any one who has clue or can provide info have ever encounter this, or any related info, method to debug is appreciate!


Fastlane is there to automate the steps you do manually, in a repeatable fashion, programmatically. See if you can replicate the same steps manually to reproduce the crash.


thank you sir! I’ve found one step may cause problem as I run fastlane xcodebuild with dir/name.workspace and not call xcodebuild under the root of project, I searched from google and found many says such action may cause problems. I am trying and testing I also looked into the npx react-native run-ios source @react-native-community/cli-platform-ios project, it shows change dir to the root path of project then run xcodebuild with no path before the workspace file.