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Thank you @joshmiller for the update of your krell template. I have been trying to use with relative success. I have a question, I have been trying to add re-frame as a dependency in the deps.edn file at root.

{:deps {io.vouch/krell    :mvn/version "".5.3""
        reagent/reagent   {:mvn/version "1.1.1"
                            :exclusions [cljsjs/react cljsjs/react-dom]}
        re-frame/re-frame {:mvn/version "1.3.0"}
I have try re loading the REPL and quitting it and restarting both in Vscode/calva and spacemacs/cider. In both cases I get an error that says that re-frame is not not found. I also tried running yarn cljs:build to see if that down loads the dependencies, but that does not do it either. I don’t know what else to try. Can you (or anybody else) point me in the right direction please?


Did you restart the metro bundler (`yarn run ios` or android)?


Thank you that was the missing link.

👍 1

How do I use environment variables to configure my build? I am using Krell.