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Mildly OT: I was trying to explain to a client the difference between Cordova and ReactNative apps and was struggling when I had a great idea: can we find an app in an app store that is built with Cordova, so he could try it himself? Even better would be sth akin to TodoMVC, with different approaches to the same app. (No, I do not think TodoMVC is a great exemplar, just using that as a ferinstance.) Any ideas? Thx! 🙏


Browse this repo: it might have one


Perfect! I think we already decided on RN because of tight performance requirements, but if we waiver on that we'll dig into that. Thx!


Was the person that you’re talking to technical? You can adjust the conversation accordingly. In any case, I believe one of the big React Native advantages is the ecosystem momentum. There’s a number of good libraries for React Native that I don’t think exist for Cordova, etc.


So Krell: "Switch into the ios directory of your project and run pod install." What project? Nowhere in the readme does it talk about creating a project.


I think project stands for the react native project there. Did you try following the reagent tutorial? It’s more detailed


Ah, that does look better, @U446AB17F. I'll give it a shot. Thx! 🙏


Well, it put up a fight (I had to switch to the "yarn" option) but "Hello Krell"! Thx again, @U446AB17F.


Hmmm, deliberate errors are displayed in various consoles, but not right on the device sim as advertised, Is this a known issue?