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Hello Is possible to get my app.js from a external HTTP in my rn app, then i can do simple updates without wait the app stores?


It is; Microsoft has a service called CodePush that does this:


(I have no idea how you’re supposed to navigate their weird soup of product names at this point)


So I assume you can set up your own service to host and push that code


Expo does this for you, too.

👍 4

New to CLJS/React Native with re-frame. Confused by there being 2 copies of core.cljs - 1 for Android and another for iOS. I thought this was a write-once framework?


@clojer Instead of "write once, run anywhere," React Native calls it "learn once, write anywhere". Having said that, for relatively simple apps, you can indeed "write once."


@clojer the split is just a re-natal thing. If you just run the react native CLI you’ll get a single App.js file. It’s just an artifact of that specific framework, not a limitation of react native itself


My hobby app is still simple enough to be “write once”. It is quite amazing seeing the app being updated on my phone, the ios simulator and the android emulator at once, when I make changes to the code. There are some layout differences at times, especially when it comes to rendering text, but that is, so far, quite easy to deal with.