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Chris Bidler01:01:33

Anyone here have experience using figwheel-main and react-native-figwheel-bridge with …Android?


@bobby.harris Is this any help with the issue you were having with react-native-figwheel-bridge

💯 5
Chris Bidler14:01:04

@codonovan That definitely addressed the issue I was seeing, which for posterity was an incredibly context-free [] An error occurred: undefined red-screen


The chrome debugger was a little more helpful in this instance.

[] An error occurred: undefined
[] The WebSocket on  closed.
[] The WebSocket disconnected unexpectedly: undefined


heads up I just made a significant revision to


@chris_johnson please help by adding this information to the README


well that sounds a little to pleading


are there any other things you have noticed for android?


I haven’t gotten around to booting it up


and I meant to address that to @codonovan 🙂

Chris Bidler17:01:02

Not yet. I am working on a full soup-to-nuts example of using Figwheel.main, the RN bridge, and the Clojure CLI to build a React Native app so I will be exercising Android quite a bit.


I'm playing with the new version now and getting some errors, which I'm working through


make sure you have the latest 0.2.1-SNAPSHOT

Chris Bidler17:01:00

I hope to publish it soon, and go back and refactor it into the sample repo from my conj talk

Chris Bidler17:01:23

Okay, I will update now and see what, if anything, breaks. 😇


oh stuff will break


the options are different


make sure you are using figwheel-main


The key difference is that figwheel main is outputing a cljsc_opts.json file that you can point the figwheel-bridge to


since this file has all the config info in it, the configuration is much harder to mess up


oohh the readme is rough going over it again now


@chris_johnson first thing that will break is Android needs another reverse proxy.

adb reverse tcp:9500 tcp:9500;adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081
First one for figwheel and the second one for metro

Chris Bidler17:01:19

thanks for the heads up


oh really?


Yeah, we always have to this stuff on android. Even with vanilla RN and re-natal


I don’t understand by that would be the case?

Chris Bidler17:01:40

I’m wondering if it makes sense to write a custom myproject.main that wraps figwheel.main and does all the RN bookkeeping (possibly also e.g. running a prophylactic watchman watch-del-all on every restart :D)

Chris Bidler17:01:28

I might end up doing that anyhow to create a launch environment that supports CIDER/nREPL in a “press button, receive REPL” fashion


@chris_johnson a makefile or script would serve that purpose better 🙂

Chris Bidler17:01:54

That’s certainly true


or just a Clojure script

Chris Bidler17:01:53

My current (boot/Expo) version of a RN project definitely has a hefty Makefile but we’re doing all kinds of uh, interesting stuff like supporting multiple build flavors of the app


I would keep tooling light as both I and David Nolan are looking very closely at React Native integration

👍 5

the Makefile is great for low commitment, and getting things working

Chris Bidler17:01:16

that’s exciting news

Chris Bidler17:01:12

yeah, I will surely end up with a Makefile for handling some of the build process eventually, I guess I was really thinking this process through in one direction (desire for CIDER integration to leverage my muscle memory -> custom main that sets up CIDER + Figwheel.main -> if I have a custom main why not put this other mechanical work in there) but I am thoroughly convinced by just explaining that out loud that it’s borrowing trouble to do things that way

Chris Bidler17:01:22

I’m also not 100% convinced that I will need CIDER once I actually have a project example that uses Figwheel properly in a react native project, which I have not yet had, so we’ll see how that goes


@chris_johnson I did some work on a React Native project and the started an nREPL server manually and used cider-connect-cljs instead of cider-jackin


it was definitely more flexible

Chris Bidler17:01:52

hm, so starting the nREPL server inside the running Figwheel REPL instead of the other way around?

Chris Bidler17:01:15

I definitely prefer to run the nREPL server outside and cider-connect for JVM projects


I would say having CIDER integration is pretty killer especially for React Native


for instance having a build.clj script that starts nREPL and figwheel.main

Chris Bidler17:01:09

so I would be doing that here as well, but all the documentation I’ve encountered so far is about running an nREPL server and then kicking off Figwheel inside that, if it works to do it the other direction I’m all for it


yep it works

Chris Bidler17:01:16

IMHO cider-jack-in is a really cool thing that is actually not great to actually use


what I like a bout cider jack in is that I can move between projects and just get a repl really quickly

Chris Bidler17:01:53

like, do it once, say “I’m in” in your Extremely Hacker Voice, then take off your indoor sunglasses and run your REPL process outside your editor like a boring salaryman


I prefer cider-jack-in unless a project punishes me for it, which cljs can do sometimes when it hangs


anyway let me know if you come across strangeness with the new bridge


Another thing to note is that the build is no longer :target :nodejs


I'm getting

[Figwheel:WARNING] Attempting to dynamically add "target" to classpath!
[Figwheel:WARNING] Target directory "target" is not on the classpath
[Figwheel:WARNING] Please fix this by adding "target" to your classpath
 For Clojure CLI Tools in your deps.edn file:
    ensure "target" is in your :paths key

 For Leiningen in your project.clj:
   add it to the :resource-paths key

[Figwheel] Compiling build android to "target/public/cljs-out/android-main.js"
[Figwheel] Failed to compile build android in 0.376 seconds.
[Figwheel:WARNING] Compile Exception   src/awesome/main.cljs   line:2  column:14

  No such namespace: react, could not locate react.cljs, react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "react" in file src/awesome/main.cljs

  1  (ns awesome.main
  2    (:require [react]
  3              [react-native :as rn]))
  5  (def <> react/createElement)
  7  (defn renderfn [props]

[Figwheel:SEVERE] clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: No such namespace: react, could not locate react.cljs, react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "react" in file src/awesome/main.cljs
at the moment


I've added src and target to :paths but still getting No such namespace: react, could not locate react.cljs, react.cljc, or JavaScript source providing "react" in file src/awesome/main.cljs


so did you alter your index.js file and setup the dummy.js file?


Yes I believe so, just running the readme again


oh and you should probably clean the target

Chris Bidler18:01:16

I was seeing that when I updated my Clojurescript dep to a newer version than 1.10.339


yeah npm-deps defaults to false in 1.10.439

Chris Bidler18:01:48

possibly unrelated of course, but it appeared that making that change broke my build in exactly that way, and reverting the dependency fixed it


no you got it right


the removal of :target :nodejs is a big change but its the smartest thing to do in this circumstance


you have to name cljsExports exactly cljsExports


@bhauman I can't seem to find cljsc_opts.json anywhere under /target


you may have to remove figwheel-main and friends from your .m2 repository


and reinstall them


oops I'm getting ahead of myself still the error posted above. OK, will do


darn I have to go to an eye exam. I’ll be back later.

Chris Bidler18:01:17

I hope your exam is uneventful and they have cool frames for you if you are getting ’em.

👍 5

well I just followed the setup instructions and it failed, so something is wrong


OK it has to be the latest version of CLJS


just updated the README

Joe Lane21:01:08

Awesome, I was confused about what was going wrong.


Hi! Anyone used react-native-qrcode-scanner?