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hey @olivergeorge what was your problem with cljs-ajax/reframe-http-fx? I'm using reframe-http-fx with expo/react native at the moment and haven't seen any problems yet - is it something that only shows up on specific devices?

Oliver George09:06:54

There's a chance the problem existed between the chair and the keyboard.


Ya, I am also using expo and I only had issues when running with advanced compilation. The fix in the FAQ got it working for me


Hi! I just upgraded my react-native project. Since I got this error Failed to Fetch: - Perhaps your project was cleaned and you haven't recompiled? I changed my project.clj and I substituted /target/ios/not-used.js into /target/ios/index.js

:profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.10"] ;[figwheel-sidecar "0.5.8"]
                                  [com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1"]]
;;                    :source-paths ["src/common"]
                                  ;;"src/robomobile" "src/roboweb" "env/dev" "src/ios" "src/android"]
                   :cljsbuild    {:builds {:ios     {:source-paths ["src/common" "src/robomobile" "env/dev"]
                                                     :figwheel     true
                                                     :compiler     {:output-to     "target/ios/index.js"
                                                                    :main          "env.ios.main"
                                                                    :output-dir    "target/ios"
                                                                    :optimizations :none}} 


but now I have this


do I have broken some dependencies?

Oliver George23:06:26

That error looks like it can't find the figwheel-bridge.js file

Oliver George23:06:15

I'm not sure why you moved unused.js